[Eurchap] [Fwd: ISI 2004 Einreichungen]

Christian Schlögl christian.schloegl at uni-graz.at
Thu Apr 22 03:44:07 EDT 2004

Dear colleagues,

The International Symposium on Information Science (ISI) is the main 
scientific conference of  LIS in German-speaking countries which takes 
place evey two years. This year's conference will be in Chur, 
Switzerland. In order to ensure a comprehensive programme, the deadline 
for the submission of papers was extended until May 16th (see below). 
Papers in English language are welcome. Please refer to the ISI homepage 
for more information: http://www.isi2004.ch

Best wishes,
Christian Schloegl

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	ISI 2004 Einreichungen
Datum: 	Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:16:59 +0200
Von: 	Rittberger Marc (DIP) <Marc.Rittberger at heg.ge.ch>
An: 	Rittberger Marc (E-mail 2) <marc at rittberger.ch>

Dear members of the programm committee ISI 2004

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 9. Internationalen Symposiums
für Informationswissenschaft ISI 2004 (6.-8. October 2004 at HTW Chur in
Switzerland) I would like to inform you, that the deadline for the
submission of contributions to ISI 2004 - "Information zwischen Kultur und
Marktwirtschaft" is extended till

16th of May, 2004!

For all necessary information according to registration, paper
submission and conference content see http://www.isi2004.ch

We look forward to meeting you in Chur!

Sincerely yours,

Marc Rittberger

Chair Program Committee                                 Conference Chair:
Prof. Dr. Marc Rittberger                               Prof. Dr. Bernard
Haute école de gestion de Genève                        Prof. Dr. Josef
Filiére Information documentaire                        HTW Chur -
University of Applied Sciences
route de Drize 7                                                
CH-7000 Chur, Switzerland
1227 Carouge - Genève, Suisse                           E-Mail:
bernard.bekavac at fh-htwchur.ch
E-Mail: marc.rittberger at heg.ge.ch
josef.herget at fh-htwchur.ch

Liebe Mitglieder des Programmkomitees ISI 2004,
das Organisationskommitee des 9. Internationalen Symposiums für
Informationswissenschaft ISI 2004 (6.-8. Oktober 2004 an der HTW Chur in 
Schweiz) hat die Frist für Einreichungen zur Tagung ISI 2004 - Information
zwischen Kultur und Marktwirtschaft - für Langbeiträge, Kurzbeiträge und

auf 16. Mai 2004 verlängert !

Weitere Informationen zur Einreichung finden Sie unter 

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