[Chapters-l] RE: [Asis-l] ASIST Chapter Assembly Summer Update

khowell khowell at skat.usc.edu
Fri Jul 30 11:10:37 EDT 2004

My apologies for the confusion.  To summarize,

Chapters wanting updated chapter membership rosters should
request them by emailing:
	Vanessa Foss at vfoss at asis.org.


On Fri, 30 Jul 2004, Richard Hill wrote:

> Note one correction.
> Karen said: > Until the new membership system is in place, chapters that
> need updated
> > chapter membership rosters should request them by by emailing Vanessa Foss
> > at vhay at asis.org.
> Vivian Hay is not at ASIS.  The correct address is Vanessa Foss
> <vfoss at asis.org>.
> Dick Hill
> ------------
> Richard Hill
> Executive Director
> American Society for Information Science and Technology
> 1320 Fenwick Lane, Silver Spring, MD  20910
> FAX: (301) 495-0810
> Voice: (301) 495-0900
> www.asis.org
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: asis-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:asis-l-admin at asis.org] On Behalf Of
> > karen howell
> > Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:09 AM
> > To: asis-l at asis.org; chapters-l at asis.org
> > Subject: [Asis-l] ASIST Chapter Assembly Summer Update
> >
> > Dear ASIST Chapter Officers and Members,
> >
> > I am sending this Summer Update to the asis-l as well as chapters-l
> > listserv, to communicate with as many chapter officers and chapter members
> > as possible.
> >
> > ASIST Digital Library
> >
> > The ASIST Thesaurus has now been updated and can be used to index
> > materials to be included in an ASIST Digital Library.  The next step is to
> > work with Wiley on their costs to develop a digital library and thesaurus
> > for the ASIST publications.  Other issues are what content is available to
> > be included in the ASIST Digital Library.
> >
> > ASIST Web Site Redesign
> >
> > The ASIST Web design team has completed an analysis of the current ASIST
> > website and a proposal for redesigning the site to offer better navigation
> > and services.  The team will present their report and projected cost
> > estimates to the ASIST Board in late August.
> >
> > Award Nominations Now Online
> >
> > You can now submit award nominations electronically, using a modification
> > of the same system (START from smartconf.com) that has worked well for
> > submissions for the ASIST meetings and summits.  ASIST Headquarters has
> > implemented this online system for all ASIST awards.
> >
> > Electronic award submissions has greatly eased the work of award
> > nominators, eliminating the need to photocopy, collate, and mail multiple
> > copies of award nomination packages.  Submitting an award nomination is
> > now a matter of going to the electronic submission form and attaching a
> > Word, Excel, Postscript, or PDF file, instead of making a mad dash from
> > the photocopier to the UPS or FedEx office.
> >
> > Award jurors can view the nominations by logging into a web site, rather
> > than shuffling  through piles of paper.
> >
> > The Chapter of the Year Award nominations are due August 31, and you can
> > check out the electronic submission system at
> > http://www.asis.org/awards/chapyear.htm.  Also on that site is a Word
> > template of the checklist/nomination form, which you download and modify
> > as necessary as you create your nomination package.
> >
> > New ASIST Chapter Membership System - An Update
> >
> > Many chapter officers have been looking forward to a new online ASIST
> > membership system.  According to Dick Hill, ASIST Executive Director, the
> > new ASIS&T membership system is being tested this summer and they are
> > ironing out problems with importing and converting data from the previous
> > membership system.
> >
> > Later this year, chapter officers will be able to test and send feedback
> > about the system to ASIS&T Headquarters. When the system is up and
> > running, chapter officers will be able to get online reports about their
> > membership, and chapter members will be able to enter/correct information
> > online.  These improvements will be a great help in identifying new
> > members and their interests as well as in planning programs.
> >
> > Important:
> > Until the new membership system is in place, chapters that need updated
> > chapter membership rosters should request them by by emailing Vanessa Foss
> > at vhay at asis.org.  I suggest that you cc: Dick Hill at rhill at asis.org,
> > Beata Panagopoulos at beata_Panagopoulos at harvard.edu, and Karen Howell at
> > khowell at usc.edu so others are aware of the request and can follow up as
> > needed.
> >
> > Communication from ASIST Board and Chapter Assembly
> >
> > Communication is very important to chapter officers and they want to know
> > more about what is being planned or work on.  One good source of
> > information is the ASIST President's Column, which was inaugurated by the
> > current ASIST President, Samantha Hastings. To read the columns, go to
> > www.asis.org and look for the President's Corner links listed in the
> > Latest News section.
> >
> > My goal is to send out quarterly updates.  This message is the Summer
> > update.  The Spring update was sent to the chapters-l listserv, but we
> > discovered that not all chapter officers received the update.
> >
> > It appears that neither ASIST HQ nor the Chapter Assembly has a complete
> > current list of chapter officers' names and contact information.
> > Apparently there are separate sets of information which are not kept in
> > sync, making it difficult to identify the current contact names and
> > information.  The chapters-l listserv has not been coordinated with the
> > chapter membership database or the chapters web page.
> >
> > Until the new ASIST membership system is in place, I have asked Beata
> > Panagopoulos and the Chapter Advisors to help me verify current status and
> > info so that we have one reliable way to contact chapter officers.  Once
> > the new membership system is in place, all chapter member and officer
> > information will be kept in one central repository.
> >
> > In the meantime, I will send the Chapter Assembly quarterly updates to
> > both asis-l and chapters-l.
> >
> > ASIST Chapter Officers Web Pages - In the Works
> >
> > I am in the early stages of gathering content for new web pages for ASIST
> > Chapter Officers.  The current ASIST Chapters web page lists officers and
> > contact information, and some of that information.  I expect this
> > information to be updated shortly.  However, I believe there is a need to
> > develop better "institutional memory" about ASIST services for chapter
> > officers. There is uneven knowledge about what can be done and how to get
> > it done.  Some possibilities for Web page content include information
> > about applying for ASIST Chapter Development grant funds, sample grant
> > proposals, using ASIST HQ to process online registrations for chapter
> > programs, and setting up electronic mailing lists through ASIST.  Stay
> > tuned as we will want your ideas and content development skills!
> >
> > New Session at ASIST Annual - Chapter Assembly Planning Breakfast
> >
> > This year I have worked with Dick Hill to schedule more time for ASIST
> > Chapter Assembly during the Annual Meeting, so chapter officers have
> > opportunities to share common concerns and strategies.  In addition to the
> > ASIST Chapter Assembly Business Meeting on Sunday, November 14, from 9-
> > 10:30 a.m., I have been able to schedule an all-new Chapter Assembly
> > Planning Breakfast on Tuesday, November 16 from 7:00am to 8:30 am.
> >
> > So please do send us your ideas on what you'd like to discuss at the
> > breakfast meeting.  I will be working with the Chapter Advisors and Beata
> > Panagopoulos, the Deputy Director, to organize the planning breakfast and
> > will send out more information as we get closer to the meeting.
> >
> > Save These Dates
> >
> > It's not too early to mark your calendar for the ASIST Annual Meeting in
> > Providence, Rhode Island, on November 12-17, 2004.
> >
> > Sunday, November 14 - 9:00am - 10:30am
> > Chapter Assembly Business Meeting & Chapter Awards Presentation - Please
> > send your Chapter Assembly Representative, Chapter Chair, and any other
> > chapter members who are attending the Annual Meeting!
> >
> > Sunday, November 14 - 5:00pm
> > Leadership Development Program - This program is always very helpful for
> > ASIST leaders such as chapter officers.  I highly recommend attending for
> > tips and great networking with other ASIST members.
> >
> > Tuesday, November 16 - 7:00am - 8:30am - NEW
> > Chapter Assembly Planning Breakfast - This year Chapter Assembly is trying
> > a new format, similar to the SIG Planning Sessions.  We are holding a
> > planning session where chapter officers can share similar issues and
> > strategies for recruiting volunteers, organizing programs, and sustaining
> > a healthy chapter.  Officers can brainstorm solutions and learn from each
> > other.
> >
> > Tuesday, November 16 - 12noon to 1:00pm
> > Awards Luncheon - ASIST Awards will be announced at this luncheon,
> > including the ASIST Chapter of the Year Award.
> >
> > Tuesday, November 16 - 3:30pm - 5:30pm
> > ASIST Annual Business Meeting - Come hear the current ASIST President's
> > Report and the incoming President's inaugural talk.
> >
> > And of course, mark your calendar for the plenary session by Tim Berners-
> > Lee, Monday, November 15, 10am to 12 noon.
> >
> > Conference registration is online at
> > http://www.asis.org/Conferences/AM04/registration.html.
> >
> > Enjoy your summer, and hope to see you this fall at the ASIST Annual
> > Meeting!
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Karen Howell
> > ASIST Chapter Assembly Director
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Karen Howell
> > Vice-Chair for Strategic Planning
> > Committee on Information Services
> > and
> > Director, Center for Scholarly Technology
> > Information Services Division
> > University of Southern California
> > Los Angeles, CA  90089-2571
> > (213) 740-2033 voice
> > (213) 740-8460 FAX
> > khowell at usc.edu
> >
> > ____
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> > Asis-l mailing list
> > Asis-l at asis.org
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