[Chapters-l] Fwd: Re: New Member Records system -- and MEMALERTS

Ellen Sleeter, M.A.I.N. Administrator sleeter at main.morris.org
Mon Jul 8 13:09:27 EDT 2002

>X-Sender: dick at mail.asis.org
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 12:52:06 -0400
>To: "Ellen Sleeter, M.A.I.N. Administrator" <sleeter at main.morris.org>,
>         Dick Hill <rhill at asis.org>
>From: Richard Hill <rhill at asis.org>
>Subject: Re: New Member Records system -- and MEMALERTS
>Cc: dkaylor at wright.edu, kyle.banerjee at state.or.us,
>         sleeter at main.morris.org
>Until Kyle's reply, I didn't know that e-mails, member type and such were 
>not routinely included in the reports we send him.
>Vanessa is out for this week, but I am copying her and this will get 
>addressed when she returns.
>I don't know of any reason why the report format would differ or what the 
>needed info isn't included.

As you can see, Dick just responded to my expressed concern about the 
MEMALERTs, and I am confident that this problem will be addressed.

No one else in Chapters reported this problem?


Network Administrator/Division Head, County of Morris, NJ
Morris Automated Information Network (M.A.I.N.)
Voice/Fax                (973) 631-5353 / (973) 631-5366

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