[Carolinas_asist] Fwd: Congratulations for winning the 2008 ASIS&T Chapter Member of the Year Award!

scarrier at email.unc.edu scarrier at email.unc.edu
Mon Sep 29 21:29:19 EDT 2008

Congratulations to Rachael Clemens, a 2008 ASIS&T Chapter Member of the 
Year Award recipient! We are very proud of Rachael, and thankful for 
all of her hard work and dedication this past year as a board member of 
cc:asis&t. I don't think that Beata would mind if I forwarded her 
notification, which includes a very nice summary of Rachael's 

Sarah Carrier
Secretary, cc:asis&t

----- Forwarded message from beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu -----
    Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:25:53 -0400
    From: Beata Panagopoulos <beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu>
Reply-To: Beata Panagopoulos <beata_panagopoulos at Harvard.Edu>
Subject: Congratulations for winning the 2008 ASIS&T Chapter Member of 
the Year Award!
      To: rclemens at email.unc.edu, cquirion at MIT.EDU, bosalvador at gmail.com

Dear Rachel, Christine, and Bo-Gay,

It gives me enormous pleasure to congratulate you all for the many 
contributions you have made to your chapter and ASIS&T.  The Chapter 
Member of the Year Award jury (ably chaired by Amy Wallace) had a very 
difficult decision to make because you all scored so highly on the 
criteria we use to evaluate the winner.  You are not sharing one award. 
You are each being awarded THE Chapter Member of the Year award - it 
just so happens that we were lucky enough to have three people who 
deserve it this year.

Your commitment and hard work have not gone unnoticed.  Each of you 
have given countless hours of your valuable time and energy to making 
your chapters flourish and growing the membership of ASIS&T.  On behalf 
of  the Chapter Member of the Year Jury and Chapter Assembly, I want to 
express my appreciation for your dedication to ASIS&T.  We have all 
been beneficiaries of your work.

Awards certificates will be handed out, and pictures taken during 
Chapter Assembly on Sunday, Oct. 26, 8:30-10 a.m.  I do hope that 
either you or your Chapter Assembly Representative will be there to 
accept the honor.

The citation for the award follows.  It will be printed in the final 
program for the Annual Meeting in Columbus.

Chapter Member of the Year

The Chapter Member of the Year Award goes to three people who are doing 
extraordinary things for both their chapters and ASIST, Rachael Green 
Clemens (Carolinas), Christine Quirion (New England), Bo-Gay Salvador 
(Los Angeles).  As you read the information below, keep in mind that 
Rachael is a student, Christine jointly serves as program chair and 
chair of one of the most active chapters, and Bo-Gay is retired.

Rachael was instrumental in helping to charter an ASIS&T chapter for 
North and South Carolina in 2007. She utilized her years of extensive 
experience with ASIS&T to take a leadership role in the formation of 
the local chapter. As Program Committee Co-Chair, she led the 
coordination and promotion of the chapter?s inaugural program entitled, 
?Institutional Repositories: The Great Debate.? The event, which took 
place in April 2008, drew an enthusiastic and diverse audience from the 
local library and information science community.  Reviewers noted her 
unconditional commitment and ability to juggle so many efforts on 
behalf of the Carolinas Chapter.

Christine Quirion is a true leader for the New England Chapter.  This 
year while performing many Program Chair duties, she also served as the 
Chapter Chair. Her efforts to keep members involved and engaged in a 
time of transitional leadership were a key factor in keeping New 
England Chapter active and vibrant.  In addition, she experimented with 
new technologies such as blogs, podcasts, and Skype to help keep 
non-Boston members informed and involved in chapter activities. 
Reviewers were impressed by her willingness to jump right in when 
needed and her innovative approaches.

Bo-Gay is an indispensible resource for the Los Angeles Chapter. This 
year she served as Hospitality Chair, which means attending every 
program, greeting members and program speakers, tracking incoming 
payments for programs and program registrations, and maintaining the 
chapter?s post office box.  The reviewers commented on her continuous 
level of commitment to her chapter over the years as well as her key 
role in making events happen in a chapter that hosts a number of large 
and small programs each year.

Looking forward to congratulating you all in person in Columbus!

Beata Panagopoulos
ASIS&T Chapter Assembly Director

Head of Library Technical Services
Harvard Kennedy School of Government
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
tel. 617-496-1775
email: beata_panagopoulos at harvard.edu

----- End forwarded message -----

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