[Carolinas_asist] 2007-2008 ASIST Panel Discussion #1: Storage is Cheap: Why Select?

ako at email.unc.edu ako at email.unc.edu
Thu Sep 13 21:50:17 EDT 2007

Announcing the return of the ASIST PANEL DISCUSSION SERIES at UNC!

"Storage is Cheap: Why Select?"
Thursday, September 27, 12:30 - 1:45pm
Discussion to be led by Dr. Cal Lee
Presented by ASIST at SILS

Mark your calendars! The next installment of "Today and Tomorrow in 
Information Science," to be hosted by UNC-SILS' Dr. Cal Lee, will be 
taking place on September 27. Please join us as we discuss the 
opportunities and challenges that the culture of cheap memory presents 
to the world of digital archives.

Location and panel members to be announced soon! All are welcome!

For more information, please e-mail Andreas Orphanides at ako at email.unc.edu

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