[Carolinas_asist] We are official!

wildem at ils.unc.edu wildem at ils.unc.edu
Fri Nov 16 13:57:03 EST 2007

Congratulations to all of you for your great work on getting this chapter 

I was in the Board meeting (though not yet a voting member) when it was 
approved. Many words were spoken about the quality of the application and, 
specifically, Cassidy's great work in moving it forward.

Barbara Wildemuth
wildem at ils.unc.edu

--On Friday, November 16, 2007 11:16 AM -0500 "Cassidy R. Sugimoto" 
<csugimoto at unc.edu> wrote:

> Dear Carolinas Chapter ASIS&T Members:
> Wonderful news!  We have been officially approved by the ASIS&T Board!
> Our Carolinas Chapter Board will now begin planning for this year.  If
> you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to send them to
> this list or to any of the Board members directly.  The elected and
> appointed chapter officers appear below:
> Chair:  Hugh Cayless
> Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect:  Russell Koonts
> Record Holder: Diane Neal
> Treasurer: Lori Eakin
> Secretary: Cassidy Sugimoto
> Webmaster: Sarah Carrier
> Also, if you would like to be involved on any level, please let one of us
> know!
> Cassidy

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