[Asis-standards] Votes in January 2017

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 10 15:53:40 EST 2017

Thanks for the input - I tend to agree with you

> On Jan 10, 2017, at 3:22 PM, Mathieu, Camille E (2731) <Camille.E.Mathieu at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> The only item I feel confident in personally commenting on is: 
> 2) ISO/FDIS 15836-1, Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 1: Core elements
> I would vote to approve, for various reasons that I am more than happy to explain if needed. Mainly, I think ISO/FDIS 15836-1 clearly lays out the basics of Dublin Core elements, and while no guidelines for implementation are included, the element notes do frequently contain mention of “best practices,” which is very helpful. Also excited for part 2 of this standard, which should formalize some of the more abstract elements of the DC.
> Best,
> Camille Mathieu
> cmathieu at jpl.nasa.gov
> On 1/3/17, 1:31 PM, "Asis-standards on behalf of Mark Needleman" <asis-standards-bounces at asis.org on behalf of needleman_mark at yahoo.com> wrote:
>    Folks
>    There are a few more votes due this month - all relevant documents attached to this note
>    Mark 
>    1) N921, NWIP (New Work Item Proposal), Guidelines for Bibliographic references and citations to information
>    This ballot replaces the one previously sent, which was incomplete. Please resubmit your vote and any accompanying comment.
>    This International Standard gives guidelines for the preparation of bibliographic references. It also gives guidelines for the preparation of citations in Latin scripts in works that are not themselves primarily bibliographical. It is applicable to bibliographic references and citations to all kinds of information resources, including but not limited to monographs, serials, contributions, patents, cartographic materials, electronic information resources (including research datasets, databases, computer software and social media), music, recorded sound, prints, photographs, graphic and audiovisual works, and moving images. It is not applicable to machine-parsable citations. It is also not applicable to legal citations, which have their own standards.
>    This International Standard does not prescribe a particular style of reference or citation. The examples used in this International Standard are not prescriptive as to style and punctuation.
>    Annexes A and B make reference to the relevant clause(s) of this International Standard which explain the requirements for referencing or citing printed and electronic information resources. Annex C gives examples of bibliographic references that comply with this International Standard. 
>    If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to name AT LEAST ONE EXPERT who will work on this standard's development. If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:
>    Industry and Commerce
>    Government
>    Consumers
>    Labour
>    Academic and Research Bodies
>    Standards Application
>    Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
>    Comments due 1/11/2017 - as I mentioned before if you want to be on this committee or know someone who would make a good member let me know
>    2) ISO/FDIS 15836-1, Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 1: Core elements
>    This is a ballot for the TC46/SC4 draft standard, ISO/FDIS 15836-1, Information and documentation -- The Dublin Core metadata element set -- Part 1: Core elements.
>    This document establishes 15 core metadata elements for cross-domain resource description. These terms are part of a larger set of metadata vocabularies maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. Properties in the /terms/ namespace are included in ISO 15836-2.
>    This document does not limit what might be a resource. This document does not provide implementation guidelines. However, the elements are typically used in the context of an application profile which constrains or specifies their use in accordance with local or community-based requirements and policies.
>    Your voting options are:
>    Approval - approve for publication [comments optional]
>    Approval with corrections [comments required]
>    Disapproval - do not approve for publication [comments required and should be substantive]
>    Abstain from voting [comments optional
>    Comments due 1/22/2017
>    3) N2621, ISO TC 46 Resolution by correspondence WG4 convenor for 2017-2020
>    To allow the future revision of ISO 5127 "Foundations and Vocabulary of information and documentation" according to ISO/TC 46 RESOLUTION 2015-05, it is now proposed to renew the nomination of the WG 4 convenor by correspondence.
>    ISO/TC 46 appoints Ms Liu Chunyan as convenor of the working group WG4 "Terminology of information and documentation" for another 3-year-term. Ms Liu Chunyan is supported by SAC (China) as convenor.
>    ISO/TC 46 appoints Mr Axel Ermert as co-convenor of the working group WG4 "Terminology of information and documentation" for a 3-year-term. Mr. Axel Ermert is supported by DIN (Germany) as co-convenor.
>    Your voting options are:
>    Yes - approve Ms. Liu Chunyan as convenor and Mr. Axel Ermert as co-convenor (comments optional)
>    No - do not approve Ms. Liu Chunyan as convenor and Mr. Axel Ermert as co-convenor (comments required)
>    Abstain from voting (comments optional
>    Comments due 1/26/2017
>    ** Reminder ** 
>    4) Proposed resolution for renomination of convenor of ISO/TC 46/WG 3 "Conversion of written languages”
>    I sent this out previously
>    Comments due 1/26/2017
>    5) N920, NWIP (New Work Item Proposal), Description and presentation of rights information in digital collections
>    This international standard provides guidelines for digital collection services that seek to effectively describe and present rights information. Digital collection here refers to a service providing digital resources in libraries, museums, archives, or other organizations that offer similar resources to their patrons.
>    If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to name AT LEAST ONE EXPERT who will work on this standard's development. If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:
>    Industry and Commerce
>    Government
>    Consumers
>    Labour
>    Academic and Research Bodies
>    Standards Application
>    Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
>    Comments due 1/28/2017 -  if you want to be on this committee or know someone who would make a good member let me know

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