[Asis-standards] ISO votes

ZENG, MARCIA mzeng at kent.edu
Wed Dec 27 08:05:11 EST 2017

Agree with Baden for these votes. I think the second one will come out for review anyway and we can get a closer look at it then.
As for the first one on sound and music video recording code, a person with subject expertise will be useful. Timothy might be the best to do it or find someone to review for this standard. :-) 
Cheers and Merry Christmas.

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 27, 2017, at 5:28 AM, Baden Hughes <baden.hughes at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Merry Christmas all :-)
>   As below, I think we should vote yes to all three propositions.
>   Baden
>   On    Sat,    Dec    23,    2017    at   3:49   AM,   Mark   Needleman
>   <[1]needleman_mark at yahoo.com> wrote:
>     Also there are a few votes coming up in January (sorry about the short
>     notice on one of them)
>     1) ISO/FDIS 3901, Information and documentation - International Standard
>     Recording Code (ISRC)
>     Do you approve the technical content of the final draft, ISO/FDIS 3901?
>     The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a standard identifying
>     code  that can be used to identify sound recordings and music video
>     recordings so that each such recording can be referred to uniquely and
>     unambiguously. This draft represents a technical revision. This document
>     sets out the format of ISRC, the mechanisms to ensure uniqueness of codes
>     and the ways in which ISRC is to be assigned to recordings.
>     Due 1/3/2018
>   YES
>   Â
>     2) SHORT-TERM BALLOT - Skip CD ballot for ISO/WD 30301
>     Do you agree to skip the CD stage for ISO/WD 30301 and to circulate the
>     current draft as a DIS?
>     Proposal  to  skip the CD ballot for ISO/WD 30301, "Information and
>     documentation - Management systems for records - Requirements".
>     In accordance with Annex SS of the ISO Directives Part 1, the members of
>     WG8 have agreed to request a ballot to skip the CD stage for ISO/WD 30301.
>     Therefore, members of ISO/TC46/SC11 are asked to approve skipping the
>     committee draft stage for ISO/WD 30301 "Information and documentation -
>     Management systems for records - Requirements" and to circulate the
>     current draft for DIS (enquiry) ballot.
>     Due 1/14/2018
>   YES
>   Â
>     3) TC46 Approval by Resolution - Chairperson of ISO 3166/MA
>     Do you approve the appointment of Ms Kate Dolan as Chairperson of ISO
>     3166/MA?
>     A new vote by correspondence for TC46 members on ISO 3166/MA Secretary
>     proposal  to renew the nomination of Ms. Kate Dolan as Chair of ISO
>     3166/MA.
>     ISO/TC46  Resolution  2017-25  (by  correspondence): Appointment of
>     Chairperson of ISO 3166/MA.
>     The ISO/TC46 "Information and documentation", in accordance with clauses
>     4.4.1 of the ToR for 3166/MA (N815), approves the appointment of Ms. Kate
>     Dolan as chairperson of ISO 3166/MA for a 3-year term from 2018 to 2020,
>     and asks its secretary to inform ISO 3166/MA secretary accordingly.
>     Due 1/23/2018
>   YES
>   Baden
> References
>   1. mailto:needleman_mark at yahoo.com
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