[Asis-standards] 2 more January votes

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 23 09:39:38 EST 2017

2 more votes due in January. Have opened up

1) Ballot on new members of ISO 3166/MA

Following the call for P-NMB wanting to participate in ISO 3166/MA, two candidatures from Australia and Canada were received.

The members are elected for a 2-year term mandate 2018-2019.

Do you approve of the proposed nominations for ISO 3166/MA?

Due 1/23/2018 - Document attached

2)  Resolution to revise ISO 13008:2012

Do you approve Resolution 2017-12/01 to revise ISO 13008?

The results of the Systematic Review on ISO 13008:2012 were inconclusive. Following consultation with the Chair, TC46/SC11 is proposing an out of session resolution to revise ISO 13008 as follows:

Resolution 2017-12/01 Revision of ISO 13008:2012

ISO/TC46/SC11 resolves to revise ISO 13008-2012 Information and documentation - Digital records conversion and migration process.

Due 1/23/2018 - No attached document

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   2 more votes due in January. Have opened up

1) Ballot on new members of ISO 3166/MA

   Following the call for P-NMB wanting to participate in ISO 3166/MA, two
   candidatures from Australia and Canada were received.
   The members are elected for a 2-year term mandate 2018-2019.
   Do you approve of the proposed nominations for ISO 3166/MA?

   Due 1/23/2018 - Document attached

2)  Resolution to revise ISO 13008:2012

   Do you approve Resolution 2017-12/01 to revise ISO 13008?
   The results of the Systematic Review on ISO 13008:2012 were inconclusive.
   Following consultation with the Chair, TC46/SC11 is proposing an out of
   session resolution to revise ISO 13008 as follows:
   Resolution 2017-12/01 Revision of ISO 13008:2012
   ISO/TC46/SC11  resolves  to  revise  ISO  13008-2012  Information  and
   documentation - Digital records conversion and migration process.

   Due 1/23/2018 - No attached document

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