[Asis-standards] ISO vote

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 30 13:51:20 EDT 2016


i just cast the following vote in ISO

Technical Content of ISO/DIS 3901 (ISRC) - YES with Comments


ASIST believe that application of a standard can greatly improve the operations of different entities in this field, but fear that the standard as presented here does not address in adequate detail the complexities of constituent parts within longer musical "works." 

Appendix A.1.9 states that, "A recording whose parts can be exploited separately may be assigned an ISRC as a whole and its components may also be assigned an ISRC." and offers as a simple example a recording of a Beethoven symphony recording which has one ISRC assigned for the complete performance and four separate identifiers in addition for the four movements. However, ASIST would hope to see more guidance as to the recommendations about use cases for assignments, considering the different needs of communities of practice this would affect: a recording industry which in different cases (live vs. studio recordings) may have different definitions of a "complete" recording session; library & information system users who have different needs to identify the complete set of movements or an excerpt as the "work" desired; broadcasters, streaming, and copyright entities (SoundExchange most prominently) who specify only the track excerpt as the unit of recording 

Comments provided by Timothy Dickey

Note: the International DOI Foundation voted NO on this - with the following comment: (if there is agreement we have until tonight to change our vote)

The International DOI Foundation (IDF) is surprised that this Draft International Standard is so very far removed from the plan set out in the approved New Work Item Proposal. The NWIP promised a reliable and robust system with the ability to resolve all valid identifiers and identified the absence of a mandatory registry as a major shortcoming in the 2001 standard.

The draft under ballot continues to allow users to assign their own codes with no control over assignment of multiple codes to the same recording or, worse, assignment of the same code to multiple recordings. It provides no guarantee that accurate data about identified recordings will be available globally or that any privately provisioned data will remain accessible.

IDF endorses the best practice “Principles of Identification” published by the Linked Content Coalition and notes that the DIS falls short in a number of areas.

IDF opposes the adoption of this DIS and recommends that a further draft be developed along the lines of that provided with the NWIP. To do this, the Working Group should be reconstituted with a more representative membership including music service providers, which are notably absent at present. 

If the decision of the US National Body is to approve the offered DIS, the IDF recommends an immediate further revision of the standard with the same objective and with the same revised Working Group membership. IDF may offer its own proposals in this or associated areas


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