[Asis-standards] ISO vote

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 3 13:03:36 EDT 2016

Hearing no comments I just voted


 on Systematic Review of ISO 11940-2:2007 Information and documentation — Transliteration of Thai characters into Latin characters Part 2: Simplified transcription of Thai language

There is one more standard - actually a call for experts on

SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: ISO/TC 46/SC11N1619 - Call for expert(s) WG17

SHORT-TURN AROUND BALLOT: Do you wish to nominate expert(s) for the ISO/TC 46/SC 11/WG17 Cloud in Records - ISO/WI/DTR - Information and documentation - Records management in cloud: Issues and concerns? (If your answer is 'Yes' please indicate the Nominated expert name and e-mail address, and assign the expert to ISO/TC 46/SC11/WG17 in ISO/GD)

The US voted to approve this as a new project and we are expected to name at least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:

Industry and Commerce
Academic and Research Bodies
Standards Application
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)

If anyone wants to join this group or knows of anyone who would make a good member please let me know (and obtain that person’s consent by 6/29/16

I have attached the ISO document on this to this note

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