[Asis-standards] A QUICK VOTE

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 09:34:03 EST 2016

Anyone have a problem with this?

Proposed resolution for renomination of convenor of ISO/TC 46/WG 3 "Conversion of written languages

Do you approve Mr. Peeter Päll as convenor of ISO/TC 46/WG 3 "Conversion of written languages”?

I’ve attached the associated document from ISO

The vote is not due until sometime in January but I figured we could get it done if no-one had any problems with it


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   Anyone have a problem with this?

Proposed resolution for renomination of convenor of ISO/TC 46/WG 3 "Conversion
of written languages

   Do you approve Mr. Peeter Päll as convenor of ISO/TC 46/WG 3 "Conversion of
   written languages”?
   I’ve attached the associated document from ISO
   The vote is not due until sometime in January but I figured we could get it
   done if no-one had any problems with it
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