[Asis-standards] minutes of Meeting in St Louis

Mark Needleman MNeedleman at flvc.org
Tue Nov 17 09:53:16 EST 2015


below are the minutes of the standards committee meeting in St Louis - thanks to Gail Thoorburg (who wasn't even there and participating by phone) for taking them

A couple of other things:

1)      I am leaving my job in Florida at the end of 2015 - Im still willing to be chair of the committee but my plans are a little unclear at this point so I thought it might be better for someone whose situation is more stable to take over (or become vice-Chair for awhile) Timothy Dickey said he would consider it but if anyone else has the desire to be chair let me know in case Timothy decides he cant do it

2)      it has been proposed that we do an issue of the ASIST Bulliten (probably 3rd quarter 2016) on standards issues

some of the possible subjects that were discussed at the meeting in St Louis were:

Dublin Core
Bibliographic Road Map
RDF 1.1
JATS 1.1
EAD Archive
W3C new standards
NISO update

If you have any ideas for topics and also are interested in writing an article (or know someone who would make a good author because of their involvement with a particular standard) please post ideas (and names) to the list

Ill be sending out a note soon about upcoming votes

Good seeing at least a few of you in St Louis


Present:   Mark Needleman,  Marcia Zeng ,  [visitor..... ] , Marge Hlava ,  Timothy Dickey

Intro for visitor  as to what the Committee does......    Questions as to what standards would seem relevant to ASIS&T ?   Mark/Marge commented.     They most often start with a "Z".       ISO/NISO/ANSI ...    World wide web consortium ...,   W3C.     Issues with proprietary standards, e.g. Adobe....

1.      Need for Chair when Mark leaves his organization at end of year.    Maybe co-chair for the hand-off ?     Suggested Timothy Dickey

2.       Upcoming votes,  end of November


Marge:   didn't think anything really contentious coming up this.   Bibliographic roadmap is next big thing coming up    (Marty Heinman and Marge are going to chair the committee on this   (Z39.19 on her top list).

Sponsoring an issue on Standards ?   Marge asked.      Mark concurred, said he could contribute.      [Comments from Marcia...]   --     perhaps timeframe of October/ November?   If in July,  need manuscripts couple of months before that.    Marge suggested a committee to come up with the scope of the Issue.    Mark will send out announcement  solicitly input....

Timothy arrived,  and will definitely think over taking this role....

Google Scholar and its role...

[Very rough ] Draft minutes prepared by Gail Thornburg

-------------- next part --------------


   below are the minutes of the standards committee meeting in St Louis –
   thanks to Gail Thoorburg (who wasn’t even there and participating by phone)
   for taking them

   A couple of other things:

   1)      I am leaving my job in Florida at the end of 2015 – Im still willing
   to be chair of the committee but my plans are a little unclear at this point
   so I thought it might be better for someone whose situation is more stable
   to take over (or become vice-Chair for awhile) Timothy Dickey said he would
   consider it but if anyone else has the desire to be chair let me know in
   case Timothy decides he cant do it

   2)      it has been proposed that we do an issue of the ASIST Bulliten
   (probably 3^rd quarter 2016) on standards issues

   some of the possible subjects that were discussed at the meeting in St Louis

   Dublin Core

   Bibliographic Road Map

   RDF 1.1

   JATS 1.1


   JSON _ LD

   EAD Archive


   W3C new standards


   NISO update

   If you have any ideas for topics and also are interested in writing an
   article (or know someone who would make a good author because of their
   involvement with a particular standard) please post ideas (and names) to the

   Ill be sending out a note soon about upcoming votes

   Good seeing at least a few of you in St Louis



   Present:   Mark Needleman,  Marcia Zeng ,  [visitor….. ] , Marge Hlava ,
   Timothy Dickey

   Intro for visitor  as to what the Committee does……    Questions as to what
   standards would seem relevant to ASIS&T ?   Mark/Marge commented.     They
   most  often  start with a “Z”.       ISO/NISO/ANSI …    World wide web
   consortium …,   W3C.     Issues with proprietary standards, e.g. Adobe.…

   1.      Need for Chair when Mark leaves his organization at end of year.
   Maybe co-chair for the hand-off ?     Suggested Timothy Dickey

   2.       Upcoming votes,  end of November


   Marge:    didn’t  think  anything  really  contentious coming up this.
   Bibliographic roadmap is next big thing coming up    (Marty Heinman and
   Marge are going to chair the committee on this   (Z39.19 on her top list).

   Sponsoring an issue on Standards ?   Marge asked.      Mark concurred, said
   he could contribute.      [Comments from Marcia…]   --     perhaps timeframe
   of October/ November?   If in July,  need manuscripts couple of months
   before that.    Marge suggested a committee to come up with the scope of the
   Issue.    Mark will send out announcement  solicitly input….

   Timothy arrived,  and will definitely think over taking this role....

   Google Scholar and its role…

   [Very rough ] Draft minutes prepared by Gail Thornburg

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