[Asis-standards] Upcoming vote - Part 2

Mark Needleman needleman_mark at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 30 16:40:51 EST 2015

4)  Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins in a Networked Information Environment

This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item on the development of a Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins in a Networked Information Environment

Members have thirty (30) days to vote on the work item. Your vote options are: Yes (approve the project), No (do not approve the project), or Abstain (from voting). Comments are required for No votes. If you would like to nominate someone to participate on the Working Group (if the project is approved), please provide a name and contact information in your comments. NISO Working Group participation is not limited to NISO members.

Libraries strive to improve the ways in which users access their collections. Gaining a definitive understanding of where a user began his or her library experience/search before ultimately arriving at the content licensed by a library is an important factor in determining the value of a platform, how to allocate resources, etc. Publishers, recognizing that users have a number of options for discovering content, supply metadata to various discovery and abstracting and indexing vendors in the hopes of increasing the discoverability and use of the content they create and to which their customers subscribe. Publishers who wish to measure the success of their metadata programs will often turn to web log analysis to track where their users are coming from. Where links pass through link resolver channels, thus “losing” the data relative to search origin. Critical data for publishers and libraries are skewed because the origin of the users request to retrieve the document appears to come from the provider of the link resolver. 

This group will create a NISO Recommended Practice outlining the recommended approach to passing and using link origin information, a promotion and education plan, and one or more proof-of-concept services that can exchange the link origin information using the proposed approach.

The proposal was approved by the Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee on September 21, 2015, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest in participating in the work.

In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express interest in this new work item

Comments needed by 1.8/2016 - if anyone has any interest in participating in this effort or knows someone who would make a good committee member let me know

5) ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 (R2010) Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies

This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 (R2010) Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies. This standard was last reviewed and reaffirmed in 2010. A copy of the Z39.19 standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email.

In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. NISO's Content and Collection Management Topic Committee recommends a vote to REVISE the standard. Please see further notes below.

As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following voting options:

YES - Approve the Revision of the standard (comments optional)

NO - Do not approve the Revision of the standard (comments required)

ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation) 

The community has noted the need for general revisions and edits, such as replacing references to AACR2 with references to RDA (Resource Description and Access) and revising references to ISO standards to ensure they are the current versions. There are also a number of the definitions of terms in Section 4 (Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms) which could be enhanced or improved, such as the definition of document which is currently too broad and does not correspond to current use. There are also, terms such as “generic structure” which could be argued to be an obsolete taxonomy approach. The wording in some sections is confusing and should be clarified such as Section 5.3.4 (Facet Analysis). In some cases the guidance in the standard is contrary to common practice, such as Sections 6.2.1 (Homographs) and (Non-Alphabetic Characters – Parentheses) which call for the avoidance of the use of parentheses whenever possible when disambiguating terms. Many would argue that they should be avoided completely by adding the parenthetical word as part of the descriptor, but without parentheses by using natural language order. The call to use adjectives and adverbs to limit the number of compound terms (Section; Section 6.4.3) are further examples of guidance which is contrary to standard best practices by suggesting the use of adjectives or adverbs as terms (and not as part of a noun phrase). Naked adjectives and adverbs are inherently ambiguous as indexing terms. This section should be removed. Additional review and revision could and should be done of the sections discussing hierarchical relationships, display types and vocabulary management systems.

The Content and Collection Management Topic Committee feels these concerns and additional ones not referenced here support a recommendation to review and revise Z39.19.

Comments needed by 1/23/2016 - Hopefully members of the committee who are familiar with this subject can provide comments and a recommendation for a vote

6) ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 (R2010) Scientific and Technical Reports - Preparation, Presentation, and Preservation

This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 (R2010) Scientific and Technical Reports - Preparation, Presentation, and Preservation. This standard was last reviewed and reaffirmed in 2010. A copy of the Z39.18 standard is available for download from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email.

In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. NISO's Content and Collection Management Topic Committee recommends a vote to REVISE the standard, in order to address digital formats for documents. 

As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following voting options:

YES - Approve the Revision of the standard (comments optional)

NO - Do not approve the Revision of the standard (comments required)

ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation)

Comments needed by 1/23/2016

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  4)  Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Recommended Practice for Tracking
  Link Origins in a Networked Information Environment

   This ballot is to approve a proposed new work item on the development of a
   Recommended Practice for Tracking Link Origins in a Networked Information
   Members have thirty (30) days to vote on the work item. Your vote options
   are: Yes (approve the project), No (do not approve the project), or Abstain
   (from voting). Comments are required for No votes. If you would like to
   nominate someone to participate on the Working Group (if the project is
   approved), please provide a name and contact information in your comments.
   NISO Working Group participation is not limited to NISO members.
   Libraries  strive  to  improve  the  ways  in which users access their
   collections. Gaining a definitive understanding of where a user began his or
   her library experience/search before ultimately arriving at the content
   licensed by a library is an important factor in determining the value of a
   platform, how to allocate resources, etc. Publishers, recognizing that users
   have a number of options for discovering content, supply metadata to various
   discovery and abstracting and indexing vendors in the hopes of increasing
   the discoverability and use of the content they create and to which their
   customers subscribe. Publishers who wish to measure the success of their
   metadata programs will often turn to web log analysis to track where their
   users are coming from. Where links pass through link resolver channels, thus
   “losing” the data relative to search origin. Critical data for publishers
   and libraries are skewed because the origin of the users request to retrieve
   the document appears to come from the provider of the link resolver.
   This group will create a NISO Recommended Practice outlining the recommended
   approach to passing and using link origin information, a promotion and
   education plan, and one or more proof-of-concept services that can exchange
   the link origin information using the proposed approach.
   The proposal was approved by the Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee on
   September 21, 2015, and is now being sent to the NISO voting membership for
   agreement to begin a new work project and to elicit expressions of interest
   in participating in the work.
   In order for this item to be approved so that a Working Group can be formed
   to pursue this work, a minimum of 10% of NISO's Voting Members must express
   interest in this new work item

   Comments needed by 1.8/2016 - if anyone has any interest in participating in
   this effort or knows someone who would make a good committee member let me

5) ANSI/NISO Z39.19-2005 (R2010) Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and
Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies

   This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO
   Z39.19-2005 (R2010) Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management
   of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies. This standard was last reviewed and
   reaffirmed in 2010. A copy of the Z39.19 standard is available for download
   from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email.
   In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a
   recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. NISO's Content and
   Collection  Management Topic Committee recommends a vote to REVISE the
   standard. Please see further notes below.
   As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one
   vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following
   voting options:
   YES - Approve the Revision of the standard (comments optional)
   NO - Do not approve the Revision of the standard (comments required)
   ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool
   volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation)
   The community has noted the need for general revisions and edits, such as
   replacing references to AACR2 with references to RDA (Resource Description
   and Access) and revising references to ISO standards to ensure they are the
   current versions. There are also a number of the definitions of terms in
   Section 4 (Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms) which could be enhanced
   or improved, such as the definition of document which is currently too broad
   and  does not correspond to current use. There are also, terms such as
   “generic  structure”  which could be argued to be an obsolete taxonomy
   approach. The wording in some sections is confusing and should be clarified
   such as Section 5.3.4 (Facet Analysis). In some cases the guidance in the
   standard is contrary to common practice, such as Sections 6.2.1 (Homographs)
   and (Non-Alphabetic Characters – Parentheses) which call for the
   avoidance of the use of parentheses whenever possible when disambiguating
   terms. Many would argue that they should be avoided completely by adding the
   parenthetical word as part of the descriptor, but without parentheses by
   using natural language order. The call to use adjectives and adverbs to
   limit the number of compound terms (Section; Section 6.4.3) are
   further examples of guidance which is contrary to standard best practices by
   suggesting the use of adjectives or adverbs as terms (and not as part of a
   noun phrase). Naked adjectives and adverbs are inherently ambiguous as
   indexing  terms. This section should be removed. Additional review and
   revision could and should be done of the sections discussing hierarchical
   relationships, display types and vocabulary management systems.
   The Content and Collection Management Topic Committee feels these concerns
   and additional ones not referenced here support a recommendation to review
   and revise Z39.19.
   Comments needed by 1/23/2016 - Hopefully members of the committee who are
   familiar with this subject can provide comments and a recommendation for a

6) ANSI/NISO Z39.18-2005 (R2010) Scientific and Technical Reports -
Preparation, Presentation, and Preservation

   This ballot is for the periodic review of the published standard ANSI/NISO
   Z39.18-2005  (R2010)  Scientific  and Technical Reports - Preparation,
   Presentation,  and  Preservation.  This standard was last reviewed and
   reaffirmed in 2010. A copy of the Z39.18 standard is available for download
   from the ballot webpage or the link in the announcement email.
   In accordance with NISO procedures, all review ballots are accompanied by a
   recommendation from the responsible leadership committee. NISO's Content and
   Collection  Management Topic Committee recommends a vote to REVISE the
   standard, in order to address digital formats for documents.
   As a member of the voting pool, you are required to vote on this ballot (one
   vote per organization). Please cast your ballot with one of the following
   voting options:
   YES - Approve the Revision of the standard (comments optional)
   NO - Do not approve the Revision of the standard (comments required)
   ABSTAIN from voting (comments are required since members of the voting pool
   volunteered to join, so an abstention vote requires explanation)
   Comments needed by 1/23/2016
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