[Asis-standards] ISO New Work Item

Mark Needleman MNeedleman at flvc.org
Tue Dec 8 07:28:53 EST 2015


there is an ISO New Work Item ciming up for a vote in early January

New Work Item Proposal ISO 18461 key indicators for museums

This is a TC46/SC8 new work item proposal to develop a new standard Key indicators for museums" .

An International Standard "Key indicators for museums" is planned as follow-up to ISO 18461"Information and documentation - International museum statistics". It aims at offering a broad selection of tested indicators for evaluating the performance of... read more<http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=678> museums of all types and subjects.

The measures described in the Standard should be adequate for use in the internal management, for reporting to stakeholders and, with care, for comparison between museums of similar tasks and structure.

If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to name at least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If you would like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert's full name and e-mail address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following Stakeholder Categories:

Industry and Commerce
Academic and Research Bodies
Standards Application
Non-governmental Organization (NGO)

Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.

We are also required to provide a justification statement for why we think this is or is not a worthwhile/useful project (depending on whether we vote yes or no). Please provide such a statement in the comments for your Affirmative or Negative vote. Consider whether you think this standard will be used in the U.S.

Your voting options are:

YES - approve this as a new project (comments required on justification statement; nominate expert(s) if you have one; comments on the working draft are encouraged but optional)

NO - do not approve this as a new project (comments required on why)

ABSTAIN from voting (comments optional)

I have attached the proposal and a copy of a proposed standard to this document - Comments needed by 1/5/2016

Personal Opinion - its not a bad piece of work although the items defined  are in many cases self evident

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   there is an ISO New Work Item ciming up for a vote in early January

   New Work Item Proposal ISO 18461 key indicators for museums

   This is a TC46/SC8 new work item proposal to develop a new standard Key
   indicators for museums” .
   An  International  Standard “Key indicators for museums” is planned as
   follow-up to ISO 18461"Information and documentation - International museum
   statistics". It aims at offering a broad selection of tested indicators for
   evaluating  the  performance of… [1]read more museums of all types and
   The measures described in the Standard should be adequate for use in the
   internal management, for reporting to stakeholders and, with care, for
   comparison between museums of similar tasks and structure.
   If the US votes to approve this as a new project, we are expected to name at
   least one expert who will work on this standard's development. If you would
   like to nominate someone, please include the name and contact information in
   your comments, we are now also required to provide particular information
   when adding Experts to working groups: The Expert’s full name and e-mail
   address, a salutation (Dr., Ms., etc.) as well as one of the following
   Stakeholder Categories:
   Industry and Commerce
   Academic and Research Bodies
   Standards Application
   Non-governmental Organization (NGO)
   Please obtain that person's agreement in advance to work on this project.
   We are also required to provide a justification statement for why we think
   this is or is not a worthwhile/useful project (depending on whether we vote
   yes  or  no). Please provide such a statement in the comments for your
   Affirmative or Negative vote. Consider whether you think this standard will
   be used in the U.S.
   Your voting options are:
   YES - approve this as a new project (comments required on justification
   statement; nominate expert(s) if you have one; comments on the working draft
   are encouraged but optional)
   NO - do not approve this as a new project (comments required on why)
   ABSTAIN from voting (comments optional)

   I have attached the proposal and a copy of a proposed standard to this
   document – Comments needed by 1/5/2016

   Personal Opinion – its not a bad piece of work although the items defined
   are in many cases self evident



   1. http://www.niso.org/apps/org/workgroup/tc46ballots/ballot.php?id=678
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Name: N514_ISONew Work Item Proposal Key indicators for museums (Form 4) - CIB-Vote initiated.pdf
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Desc: N514_ISONew Work Item Proposal Key indicators for museums (Form 4) - CIB-Vote initiated.pdf
URL: <http://mail.asis.org/pipermail/asis-standards/attachments/20151208/8f9420e4/attachment-0003.pdf>

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