[Asis-standards] Upcoming Votes

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Mon Jun 3 07:52:26 EDT 2013


a couple of things are coming up for a vote soon:

1)  Approval of Proposed New Work Item: Develop a Recommended Practice 
for Exchanging Serial (Periodical) Content

Serial publications represent a diverse content space ranging from 
popular magazines to scholarly journals, from content that is 
image-based to content that is text-based, from publications that have 
new content daily (even hourly) to those that might have new content 
only every few years.

As part of their missions, many different organizations – such as 
libraries, archives, indexing services, content aggregators, publishers, 
and content creators – need to exchange and work with digital files that 
make up serial content. These files can be shuttled from organization to 
organization and within an organization many times during the lifecycle 
of the content. Generally, the files are aggregated in some manner which 
we will refer to here as a package, and packages can be highly variable.

Packaging is of concern to any organization that needs to exchange 
files. Currently, there is no standardized packaging format that 
addresses the level of specificity and granularity needed. We propose to 
create a recommendation for a set of guidelines – a protocol – that 
would define the rules to be used to create a package of serial content.

This group will create a NISO Recommended Practice to describe a 
packaging specification to be used for exchange and archiving of serial 

comments and a recommendation for a vote needed by June 11

2) ISO/DIS 25577, Information and documentation — MarcXchange

This is a ballot to approve the TC46/SC4 standard ISO/DIS 25577, 
Information and documentation — MarcXchange, for publication.

A new optional element “embeddeddata” has been added. With this new 
option it is possible in a simple way to use embedded fields and to 
embed interlinked records into one MarcXchange document, which may be 
used for multivolume works and other interrelated structures. How to use 
the option is up to the specific MARC format.

A copy of the draft standard is available for download from the ballot 
webpage and the announcement e-mail.

Your voting options are:
Yes - approve for publication; comments optional, but should be only 
editorial in nature.
No - do not approve for publication; comments required and should be 
substantive in nature.
Abstain from voting. Comments are optional.

comments and a recommendation for a vote  needed by June 20

I have attached the relevant documents to this note

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