[Asis-standards] Fwd: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2012-2015"

Mark Needleman mneedlem at ufl.edu
Sat May 19 14:39:28 EDT 2012

Another NISO election. I was once on the nominating committee. Was never asked to do anything but got a letter several months later telling me who I had nominated and thanking me for all my hard work on the committee.


Sent from Mark Needleman's iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: <admin at list.niso.org>
> Date: May 19, 2012 1:08:10 PM EDT
> To: mneedlem at ufl.edu
> Subject: [NISO nisovoting] Groups - Ballot opened: "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2012-2015"
> "NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2012-2015" has opened.
> Ballot Title: NISO Board of Directors Directors Election (2012-2015
> Question
> Do you support the election of the following Directors for the 2012-2015 term? 
> Description
> Pursuant to NISO's Bylaws, the Nominations Committee has nominated the following candidates to stand for election as Directors on the NISO Board of Directors (listed alphabetically):
> Janice L. Fleming (American Psychological Association)
> Mairead Martin (Pennsylvania State University)
> Patricia A. Steele (University of Maryland Libraries)
> Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech University Libraries)
> Keith Webster (John Wiley and Sons)
> =====
> Do you support the election of these Directors for the 2012-2015 term? 
> =====
> This is an official 30-day ballot and will end on June 19, 2012.
> The candidates have provided biological statements in the attached reference document (arranged alphabetically). 
> Closing Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2012 @ 1:00 pm ET
> Vote
> Janice L. Fleming (American Psychological Association)
> Mairead Martin (Pennsylvania State University)
> Patricia A. Steele (University of Maryland Libraries)
> Tyler Walters (Virginia Tech University Libraries)
> Keith Webster (John Wiley and Sons)
> Other
> Group: NISO Voting Members
> Date Opened: Saturday, 19 May 2012 @ 1:00 pm ET
> Referenced Items
>                              	 2012 BOD Election Directors bio statements May 2012.doc (32K)	2012-05-19	Download | View Details
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