[Asis-standards] FW: NISO Newsline February 2012

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Feb 1 15:54:10 EST 2012




Richard Hill

ASIS&T Executive Director

1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510

Silver Spring, MD 20910

FAX: (301) 495-0810

Voice: (301) 495-0900

rhill at asis.org


From: newsline at list.niso.org [mailto:newsline at list.niso.org] On Behalf Of
Cynthia Hodgson
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 3:48 PM
To: newsline at list.niso.org
Subject: NISO Newsline February 2012


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 Headshot of NISO Managing Director, Todd Carpenter
February 2012

Just last week, the NISO staff-along with a significant number of our
community members-returned from a productive trip to Dallas for the
Midwinter meeting of the American Library Association. Every ALA conference
is a whirlwind of meetings, receptions, and presentations. NISO and our
activities were prominent in a variety of forums and programs, but there
were also some other important initiatives that were launched or reported on
during the meeting that you all should be aware of.

Among the interesting activities worth reflecting on during ALA was the
report of the Library of Congress' Bibliographic Framework project. A good
summary of the meeting is included in a
ials-say-marc-transition-implementation-of-rda-on-track/> Library Journal
article. The need to transition away from the old-faithful MARC standards is
well documented. I was pleased to hear of LC's commitment to engage a broad
range of stakeholders in their process. More importantly, there seems to be
an understanding at LC that the future of bibliographic information includes
a significantly broader community than LC's internal processes. LC's
leadership acknowledges the need for all the relevant players to be engaged.
I had written about this in November's
Newsline introduction. Now it is time for everyone to step up and engage,
hopefully through neutral third-party forums like NISO or ISO, if not
directly through LC. I am certain we will be talking regularly about this
over the coming months and years.

During the ALA meeting, NISO also held its Annual Members meeting and
update. After a challenging few years, NISO and the community as a whole
seemed to turn a corner in 2011. During the past year, NISO had more than 20
projects underway, with several grant initiatives launched, and the solid
support of our membership. I encourage you all to take a look at the reports
from the meeting, which are available on the NISO at ALA Midwinter
<http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/alamid2012/>  2012 webpage. 

Another initiative worth following is the LITA
Technology and Industry Interest Group, which held its inaugural meeting at
Midwinter. Matt Goldner (OCLC) and Marshall Breeding (Vanderbilt University)
lead this newly formed group that was formed to help foster better dialogue
between systems suppliers and the library community, and to encourage best
practices for systems design and implementation. NISO participated in the
meeting and will continue to support their work as we believe there cannot
be too many opportunities to build better collaboration between systems
suppliers and their customers. The group is still discussing its short-term
objectives and will be working on a white paper that outlines opportunities
and project ideas to focus on. That paper is due out by the ALA annual
meeting in Anaheim. 

As new work is beginning, several projects are coming to completion at NISO.
I am so pleased to say that over the past few weeks, two project teams have
finished their work, while two others have issued a draft for public

Published just before midwinter was a Recommended Practice on the Physical
Delivery of Library Materials. This project focuses attention on the very
real challenges of circulating physical items within and between library
systems. Despite the intense attention given to electronic resource systems,
digital data, and e-books, libraries still contain stores of vast
collections of physical items, many of which are in high demand and
circulate frequently. This work will hopefully draw some attention to
improving the process libraries use to distribute those items.

The second project, which I am pleased to announce was published today, is
the report of the NISO Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Data Standards
and Best Practices Project. Making Good on the Promise of ERM: A Standards
and Best Practices Discussion Paper analyzes the existing standards
environment as it relates to ERM and identifies next steps that should be
taken for standardization of ERM systems.

A revision of SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding was released
as a draft for public comment. The changes in the SERU Recommended Practice
will better extend the use of SERU to e-books. SERU is used as a simpler,
cost-effective alternative to negotiated licenses.

Finally, the first part of the NISO/NFAIS <>  Journal Article Supplemental
Materials project has been released for public comment. This project
examines the challenges posed by the inclusion of additional materials and
content along with journal articles. The released draft focuses on
definitions and publishers' business processes for these supplemental
materials. A second group focused on the technical details of supplemental
materials is still working on their draft, which should be available later
this spring.

We are certainly starting off 2012 with a flurry of announcements and
activity. As I noted, NISO is a very busy place at the moment and many more
announcements and publications are forthcoming this year. I'd like to take a
moment to recognize our members and the many volunteers who support all of
this work. Many thanks are also due to the chairs and working group
participants who have diligently contributed to these projects-as well as
those still involved in active projects. Without them, the consensus process
for our standards and best practices could not move forward. To all of you
who engage, thank you!

 Todd Carpenter's Signature

Todd Carpenter

Managing Director

NISO Reports

*               February Webinar: Embracing the Cloud: Real Life Examples of
Library Cloud Implementations 

*               February NISO/DCMI Webinar: Taking Library Data From Here to

*               Updated Draft of SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource
Understanding Released for Public Comment 

*               NISO and NFAIS Issue Draft for Public Comment of Recommended
Practice on Supplemental Materials for Journal Articles 

*               NISO Publishes New Recommended Practice on Physical Delivery
of Library Resources 

*               White Paper on the Future Standardization Needs for
Electronic Resource Management Systems 

*               KBART Survey on E-Holdings Metadata Closes on February 3 

*               New on the NISO Website

New Specs & Standards

*               EDItEUR, Royalty Report Message Formats: 'Strawman' Outline
of Content and Logic, Final Draft for Publication 

*               ISO 14641-1:2012, Electronic archiving - Part 1:
Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information
system for electronic information preservation 

*               RDA Co-Publishers, RDA Carrier Type, Content Type, and Media
Type Vocabularies 

*               OASIS, searchRetrieve v1.0, 30-day Public Review 

*               W3C Working Draft, PROV-AQ: Provenance Access and Query

Media Stories

*               What's In Store for the Library Automation Industry in 2012?

*               Tablet and E-book Reader Ownership Nearly Double Over the
Holiday Gift- Giving Period 

*               Threats to Digital Lending 

*               Building a Better User Experience

NISO Reports

February Webinar: Embracing the Cloud: Real Life Examples of Library Cloud

Cloud computing, a concept that has leapt onto the scene in the last few
years, is available to libraries in the form of hosted systems for an ILS or
for e-resource access. These systems take advantage of cheaper computing
power, increased availability of services such as Amazon Web Services, and
new development strategies from library vendors. What does moving library
information to a networked environment do to improve the overall management
of the system? How can libraries leverage cloud-hosted and managed
collections? Are there tradeoffs in terms of local control? Learn the
answers to these and related issues at NISO's February 8 webinar, Embracing
the Cloud: Real Life Examples of Library Cloud Implementation, where
speakers will share the experiences of libraries that are using the cloud.

Topics and speakers are:

* The Cloud and Libraries - Erik Mitchell, Assistant Professor, School of
Information Studies, University of Maryland College Park

* Pepperdine University Libraries' Move to the Cloud - Michael Dula,
Director for Digital Initiatives & Technology Strategy, Pepperdine
University Libraries

* The Cloud Experience at a Public Library Consortium - Charlene McGuire,
Technology Consultant, Southwest Kansas Library System

Registration is per site (access for one computer) and closes at 12:00 pm
Eastern on February 8, 2012. Discounts are available for NISO and NASIG
members and students. Can't make it on the webinar date/time? Register now
and gain access to the recorded archive for one year. Visit the event
webpage to register and for more information. 

February NISO/DCMI Webinar: Taking Library Data From Here to There

Libraries have been creating metadata for resources for well over a century.
The good news is that library metadata is rules-based and that the library
cataloging community has built up a wealth of knowledge about publications,
their qualities, and the users who seek them. The bad news is that library
practices were fixed long before computers would be used to store and
retrieve the data. Library cataloging practice continues to have elements of
the era of printed catalogs and alphabetized cards and needs to modernize to
take advantage of new information technologies. This metadata, however,
exists today in tens of thousands of databases and there is a large sigh
heard around the world whenever a librarian considers the need to make this
massive change.

The NISO/DCMI February 22 webinar, Taking Library Data From Here to There,
will give an introduction to the types of changes that are needed as well as
the value that can be realized in library services. Attendees will learn of
some preparatory steps that have already been taken, which should confirm
that libraries have indeed begun the journey "From Here to There."


* Karen Coyle is a librarian specializing in metadata development, with a
particular interest in the future of bibliographic control. She recently
served on the W3C Incubator Group on Library Linked Data, and has written
three Library Technology Reports on the Semantic Web and library data.

* Thomas Baker, Chief Information Officer of the Dublin Core Metadata
Initiative, was recently co-chair of the W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working
Group and currently co-chairs a W3C Incubator Group on Library Linked Data.

Registration is per site (access for one computer) with discounts available
for NISO and DCMI members and students. Register for all four 2012 NISO/DCMI
webinars for the price of three. Registrants receive access to the recorded
archive for one year. For more information and to register, visit the event
webpage <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/library_data/> . 

Updated Draft of SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding Released
for Public Comment

A draft update of SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (NISO
RP-7-201x) has been issued for public comment through February 19, 2012.
SERU offers publishers and libraries the opportunity to save both the time
and the costs associated with a negotiated and signed license agreement for
e-resources by both content provider and customer agreeing to operate within
a framework of shared understanding and good faith. The SERU framework
provides a set of common understandings for parties to reference as an
alternative to a formal license when conducting business.

When SERU was adopted as a NISO Recommended Practice in 2008, its focus was
on e-journal transactions, and the parties involved were primarily libraries
and publishers. Since then, with the many emerging models for acquisition of
e-books, both libraries and e-book providers have requested that other types
of electronic resources be incorporated into the SERU framework. This
updated version of SERU recognizes both the importance of making SERU more
flexible for those who want to expand its use beyond e-journals and the fact
that consensus for other types of e-resource transactions are not as
well-established as they are for e-journals. In those instances where there
is as yet no standard expectation, a shared understanding may still be
achieved if expectations are clearly articulated in the purchase order that
accompanies SERU.

The draft updated SERU Recommended Practice and an online comment form are
available from the NISO SERU workroom <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/seru/>
. All parties involved in licensing electronic content are encouraged to
review and comment on the document. 

NISO and NFAIS Issue Draft for Public Comment of Recommended Practice on
Supplemental Materials for Journal Articles

NISO and NFAIS have issued a new Recommended Practice, Online Supplemental
Journal Article Materials, Part A: Business Policies and Practices (NISO
RP-15-201x), for public comment until February 29, 2012. Although
supplemental materials are increasingly being added to journal articles,
there is no recognized set of practices to guide in the selection, delivery,
discovery, or preservation of these materials. To address this gap, NISO and
NFAIS jointly sponsored a working group to establish best practices that
would provide guidance to publishers and authors for management of
supplemental materials and would solve related problems for librarians,
abstracting and indexing services, and repository administrators. 

The Supplemental Materials project has two groups working in tandem: one to
address business practices and one to focus on technical issues. The draft
currently available for comment includes the recommendations from the
Business Working Group across a wide spectrum of processes from selecting
and editing supplemental material to hosting, referencing, metadata, and

Recommended Practice on Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials, Part
A: Business Policies and Practices is available for download from the NISO
Supplemental Materials <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/supplemental>
workroom. Publishers, authors, librarians, abstracting and indexing
services, and repository administrators are all encouraged to review and
comment on this draft.

NISO Publishes New Recommended Practice on Physical Delivery of Library

A new recommended practice, Physical Delivery of Library Resources (NISO
RP-12-2012), has been published by NISO. The physical delivery of library
materials is an integral component of the library resource sharing process.
Despite the ever-increasing availability of electronic journals, e-books,
and other digital resources, the movement of physical items remains a major
concern and a major cost for many libraries. In one state, borrowing of
returnable items increased by 107.4% in six years. A recent study showed
that the average academic library spends more than $6,800/year for delivery
services, with some libraries paying as high as $60,000. Given such volumes,
libraries are struggling to deal with the labor and equipment costs,
material wear and tear, and transit and sorting needs.

Physical Delivery of Library Resources focuses on three key areas: the
physical move, automation, and the management of physical delivery. While
the scope of the document is limited to the external delivery of items
between separately administered libraries, many of the recommendations could
apply as wellt o delivery between branches of a single library system.
Ranging from labeling and containers to automation and contracting with
courier services, this Recommended Practice addresses both the lending and
the borrowing library's activities related to delivering and returning a
physical item.

Physical Delivery of Library Resources is available for free download from
the NISO website <http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/rp-12-2012> . All
libraries involved in resource sharing, as well as delivery, sorting,
courier and transportation service providers, are encouraged to adopt these

White Paper on the Future Standardization Needs for Electronic Resource
Management Systems

A new whitepaper, Making Good on the Promise of ERM: A Standards and Best
Practices Discussion Paper, is now available from NISO. This publication is
the outcome of the NISO Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Data Standards
and Best Practices Project, a successor to the Digital Library Federation's
Electronic Resources Management Initiative (ERMI). The project's primary
goals were to perform a "gap analysis" of standards and best practices and
make recommendations on the future of the ERMI Data Dictionary.

The standards review and findings focus on five categories: link resolvers
and knowledge bases; the work, manifestations, and access points; cost and
usage-related data; license terms; and data exchange using institutional
identifiers-with a more extensive review of fourteen of the most relevant
standards. Data elements for these standards were mapped to the elements
defined in the ERMI report. Also discussed is how ERM systems could improve
their workflow support. A detailed workflow best practices bibliography and
a list of illustrative workflow diagrams are provided.

Making Good on the Promise of ERM is available for free download from the
NISO website <http://www.niso.org/publications/white_papers/> .

Tim Jewell, Chair of the ERM Data Standards and Best Practices Review
Steering Committee, and other committee members will review the white paper
and their recommendations at an Open Teleconference Call on Monday, February
13 from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. (EST). The call is free and anyone is welcome to
participate in the conversation. Just call 877-375-2160 and when prompted
enter the code: 17800743#.

KBART Survey on E-Holdings Metadata Closes on February 3

The Knowledge Bases And Related Tools (KBART) project would like to hear
from colleagues working with e-holdings metadata both in libraries and for
consortia. What improvements do you seek in the representation of consortia
specific packages and holdings within link resolver knowledge bases? How
much effort do you spend locally on managing this metadata at present? Are
you frustrated by the lack of representation of free and open access content
from publishers alongside subscription content in your link resolver? 

A short, less than 10 minute, online survey
<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LXKJGWY>  is open until the end of the day on
February 3, 2012.

New on the NISO Website

* Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (SERU) Update on Revised
Recommended Practice open teleconference recording
ev=education>  (January 9)

* Identify This! Identify That! New Identifiers and New Uses webinar slides
ev=education>  (January 11)

* COUNTER and SUSHI: Evolving standards to meet evolving needs, ALA
Midwinter, ALCTS Electronic Resource Interest Group, Oliver Pesch
ev=sushimaintenance>  slides (January 21)

* NISO Annual Meeting, ALA Midwinter, Todd Carpenter presentation
ev=education>  slides (January 22)

* NISO Standards Update, ALA Midwinter, (January 22): Nettie
ev=education>  Lagace presentation slides and Oliver
ev=education>  Pesch presentation slides

* Data Exchange and Publishing: Data Sets, Supplemental Materials and
Standards, ALA Midwinter, ACRL Science and Technology Section, Todd
Carpenter presentation
ev=education>  slides

* Draft
a_TC46_Berlin_11may2012.pdf>  agenda for the 39th ISO/TC 46 Plenary in
Berlin, Germany, 11 May  2012

* Notice
eeting_draft_agenda__berlin_may2012.pdf>  of Meeting / Draft Agenda TC46/SC9
Plenary Meeting in Berlin, Germany, 9 May 2012

New Specs & Standards

EDItEUR,  <http://www.editeur.org/125/Royalty-Reporting/> Royalty Report
Message Formats: 'Strawman' Outline of Content and Logic, Final Draft for

EDItEUR has developed, in consultation with a sub-group of the Book Industry
Study Group (BISG) Rights Committee, a "strawman" analysis of the data
content and structure which may be required for a family of
computer-to-computer royalty reporting messages. The aim of the strawman is
to provide an underlying model for the development of royalty reporting
message formats to meet different application requirements. BISG and EDItEUR
intend to test the model through pilot exchanges using appropriate subsets
of the strawman data content.

ISO 14641-1:2012,
mber=54911> Electronic archiving - Part 1: Specifications concerning the
design and the operation of an information system for electronic information

This part of ISO 14641 provides a set of technical specifications and
organizational policies to be implemented for the capture, storage, and
access of electronic documents. This ensures legibility, integrity, and
traceability of the documents for the duration of their preservation. The
standard is applicable to electronic documents resulting from: the scanning
of original paper or microform documents; the conversion of analogue audio
or video content; the "native" creation by an information system
application; or other sources that create digital content such as two- or
three- dimensional maps, drawings or designs, digital audio/video, and
digital medical images.

RDA Co-Publishers, RDA
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/46.html> Carrier Type,
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/45.html> Content Type, and
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/37.html> Media Type 

The Joint Steering Committee <http://www.rda-jsc.org/>  for Development of
Bibliographic Metadata Task Group (formerly DCMI/RDA Task Group
<http://dublincore.org/dcmirdataskgroup/> ), and ALA
<http://www.ala.org/ala/aboutala/offices/publishing/index.cfm>  Publishing
(on behalf of the co-publishers <http://www.aacr2.org/governance.html> )
have announced the publication of a second set of vocabulary terms as linked
open data. The RDA Carrier
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/46.html>  Type, Content
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/45.html>  Type, and Media
<http://metadataregistry.org/vocabulary/show/id/37.html>  Type have been
reviewed, approved, and their status in the Open Metadata Registry
<http://metadataregistry.org/>  (OMR) changed to 'published.' The finished
vocabularies can be viewed following the links from the terms above. (The
links lead to the description of the vocabulary itself, the specific terms
can be viewed under the tab for 'concepts').

archretrieve-v1-0> searchRetrieve v1.0, 30-day Public Review

"The OASIS Search Web Services (SWS) initiative defines a generic protocol
for the interaction required between a client and server for performing
searches. SWS defines an Abstract Protocol Definition (APD searchRetrieve
Part 1) to describe this interaction. All search protocols can be regarded
as concrete implementations of this definition. The Abstract Protocol
Definition facilitates interoperability between different search protocols
by providing a common framework and terminology for describing search
protocols. The APD is a simplification and revision of the abstract model
for search and retrieval contained within the NISO Z39.50 standard." This
draft is being issued for public review and comment through February 12,
2012. Submit comments to:
s>  wg_abbrev=search-ws

W3C Working Draft,  <http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-prov-aq-20120110/>
PROV-AQ: Provenance Access and Query

This document specifies how to use standard Web protocols, including HTTP,
to obtain information about the provenance of Web resources. It describes
both simple access mechanisms for locating provenance information associated
with web pages or resources, and provenance query services for more complex
deployments. This is part of the larger W3C Prov provenance framework.

Media Stories

What's In Store for the Library Automation Industry in 2012?
Smart Libraries Newsletter, January 10, 2012; by Marshall Breeding

The author shares his predictions on trends in library automation for 2012.
It will be the beginning of a decade-long development in the next generation
of library systems, including expected releases of Ex Libris' Alma,
Innovative Interfaces' Sierra, and Serials Solutions Web-Scale Management
Solution. OCLC has rebranded the WorldShare Management System, which should
see further adoptions in 2012. Open systems Koha and Evergreen will also see
increased adoption especially by several consortia. Additional
consolidations among vendors are expected, along with some divestitures, but
no business failures are anticipated. Mobile use for library applications
will continue to grow but not be as innovative as in other application
areas. Near-field communications will have some experimentation, likely for
patron self-service. QR codes, while of interest, will not replace barcodes
or RFID. While RFID will gain momentum, nothing radically new with this
technology is anticipated. New library automation projects will frequently
use cloud computing and existing implementations will increasingly
transition to the cloud. Along with this transition, the financial side will
be changing to an annual subscription model. Library e-book lending is at a
critical crossroads and both new models and new players in this area are
expected in 2012. (Link to Web Source
tomation-industry-in-2012.html> )

NISO Note: NISO voting members mentioned in this article are: 3M
<http://www.mmm.com/> , Ex Libris <http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/> ,
Innovative Interfaces <http://www.iii.com/> , OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/> ,
and Serials Solutions <http://www.serialssolutions.com/> .

Tablet and E-book Reader Ownership Nearly Double Over the Holiday
Gift-Giving Period
Pew Internet & American Life Project Report, Jan 23, 2012; by Lee Rainie

Almost a third of Americans now own an e-reader of tablet computer, nearly
double the number before the 2011 holiday season. Lower pricing on the
Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet, along with e- readers
below $100, likely drove the increases. In 2010, adult males were a couple
percentage points ahead of female ownership of tablet computers; now they
are equally at 19%. Hispanic and African American ownership of tablets are
both 2% higher than by Whites. Highest jumps in tablet ownership were by
those with college education and higher, households with income above
$75,000, and those under age 50. E-readers are 5% higher in ownership by
females (over males). Hispanics are 1% higher, and African Americans 2%
higher than Whites in owning e-readers. The gap in ownership based on
education and income level is less significant for e-readers than for
tablets. These recent surveys are part of an ongoing project to "to
understand how people consume media (text, video, and audio) on the devices,
how people use them to access the internet, and how mobile connectivity has
affected users." (Link to Web Source
<http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/E-readers-and-tablets.aspx> )

Threats to Digital Lending
American Libraries, 01/12/2012; by Carrie Russell

Kansas Digital Library Consortium was told by Overdrive that their e-book
titles could not be transferred to another distributor because they were
only leased. When the Kansas attorney general determined that the library
did own the e-books, Kansas State Librarian Joanne Budler began negotiating
those ownership rights with each rights holder. E-resource licenses
typically over-ride the right of first sale (to lend, rent, or dispose of
the acquired item) that applied in the print world. Some publishers are
including in their licenses such restrictions as limiting the number of
e-book loans, delaying access to high-demand titles in e-book format, or not
selling their e- books to libraries. As these practices and stricter license
terms continue, libraries may be unable to lend e-books at all or be
forbidden to preserve or provide interlibrary loans of e-content. Rights
holders are demanding even more restrictive DRM technologies to reduce
piracy and some want royalties every time an e-book is loaned. Some academic
libraries have been successful in negotiating perpetual access. However,
these types of agreements have largely been where the library's institution
is the primary market for the material, e.g., educational materials. Where
libraries are not a significant market player, e.g. trade and popular
titles, publishers and distributors see less value in working with libraries
to allow lending. Extending the copyright law to give first sale rights to
digital content is unlikely to occur and was already tabled during
discussions on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Libraries can act now
by negotiating better contracts; learning from each other, especially across
library types; and gathering and demanding better data. While searching for
solutions, libraries need to understand the concerns of rights holders and
publishers, who have many issues of their own when it comes to e-content.
Libraries could consider working directly with the rights holders to develop
new business models. The success of the public library of the future will
depend on finding solutions to e-book ownership and lending. (Link to Web
ing> )

NISO Note: For recent related articles on libraries, publishers, and
e-books, see: A
ive-ebooks>  Publisher's Perspective on Ebooks in American Libraries and As
ALA Midwinter Closes, A Crucial Moment Looms For E-Books in Publishers

Building a Better User Experience
Information Today, v.29 no. 1,January 2012; by Alexa Mantell and Amanda

As information overload has reached a stage of "infobesity," content
providers are looking to better user experiences (UX) to attract users to
content. Dow Jones' Factiva platform is using customized personas based on
user interaction, not a user descriptive profile. Gale conducts user testing
during development to better deliver products the way users want. Ingram
Content Group as a middleman is well-positioned to obtain direct user
feedback and share that with publishers. Newstex delivers its content via
XML so it can easily be customized for distributor-specific apps. Delivering
content to mobile devices presents new challenges in how the content will
appear. Ingram has adopted the EPUB format so that users can have the same
level of quality-reading regardless of device. Factiva is focusing on
flexibility and standardization and Newstex also ensures that apps developed
by clients meet certain standards. Users have become more demanding about
both the content sources and their delivery appearance. Customizing content
for individual needs is also increasing in availability. Gale's Business
Insights: Global lets users manipulate the underlying data to, for example,
do side-by-side industry comparisons. Factiva lets users filter the
available sources of information. Newstex, Factiva, and Gale are all looking
at ways to improve the search capabilities. Infotrieve, a content aggregator
and distributor, saw apps as a game changer and is rolling out a number of
app innovations in 2012. The goal is to make apps for mobile and tablet
devices as rich an experience as users had on desktops and laptops. (Link to
Web Source
Experience.shtml> )

NISO Note: Gale (Cengage Learning <http://www.cengage.com/us/> ) is a NISO
voting member.

About NISO Newsline

ISSN 1559-2774

NISO's free monthly e-newsletter reports on the latest NISO news, highlights
new specifications and standards of interest including calls for public
review and comment, abstracts significant media stories on topics of
interest to the NISO community, and links to news releases of NISO member

Newsline is distributed via e-mail to subscribers on the first Wednesday of
the month and is posted to the NISO website.

 <http://www.niso.org/publications/newsline/> Newsline Archive >





February 8

the Cloud: Real Life Examples of Library Cloud Implementation

NISO Webinar

February 13

ERM Data Standards and <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/telecon/>  Best
Practices Review

Open Teleconference Call

February 22

Taking Library <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/library_data/>
Data from Here to There

NISO/DCMI Joint Webinar

NISO Two-Part March Webinar: Understanding Critical Elements of E-books

March 14

Part <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_epub3/>  1:
EPUB3: Putting Electronic Books into a Package


March 21

Part <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/nisowebinars/ebooks_metadata/>
2: Find That E-book-or Not: How Metadata Matters

April 11

>  to Expect When You're Expecting a Platform Change: Perspectives from a
Publisher and a Librarian

NISO Webinar

April 25

Schema.org and <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/dcmi/linked_data/>
Linked Data: Complementary Approaches to Publishing Data

NISO/DCMI Joint Webinar

Other Events of Interest

February 8

BISG: <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2012/tracking_it_back_to_the_source/>
Making Information Pay for Higher Ed Publishing

New York

February 26-28

NFAIS <http://www.nfais.org/page/336-register-for-2012-annual-conference>
Annual Conference 2012

Philadelphia, PA

April 19-21

on=Conference_Detail&ConfID_W=285&>  Society for Indexing Annual Conference

San Diego, CA

News from NISO Members:

Events & Education

AIIM Conference 2012 <http://www.aiim.org/Resources/Industry-News/42931>
Addresses Challenges in Social, Big Data, Cloud, and Beyond

Sue Polanka's <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9054>  E-Book
Workshop Is Back by Popular Demand

New Workshop Will <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9053>  Show
Public Librarians How to Effectively Manage Electronic Resources

New Workshop: <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9057>  Create
Presentations that Don't Put People to Sleep

ALA's Office for <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9050>
Intellectual Freedom OIF Webcasts Offer Convenient, Affordable Professional
Development Opportunities

PLA 2012 Virtual <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9049>
Conference to Feature Same Quality Programming Offered at On-Site Conference
in Philadelphia

Winter e-Learning <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9032>  from
ACRL on Management, Research and Publishing, Communication Skills and More

ALCTS Announces <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9025>
Upcoming Continuing Education Events

Learn to Integrate <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9009>
iPads and Tablets into Library Services: New Session of Popular Workshop

ALA becomes <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=8998>  Authorized
Provider of IACET Continuing Education Units

ARL Workshop: Advanced <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/XSLT17jan12.shtml>  XML:
Further Adventures with XSLT

LibQUAL+ <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/LibQUALWebcast12jan12.shtml> R Webcast
Registration Now Open

ARL Statistics <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/StatsWebcasts11jan12.shtml>  &
Assessment Webcast Series: Registration Now Open

BISG Partners <http://www.bisg.org/docs/BISG_Bulletin_January2012.pdf>  with
Digital Book World on a Series of Education Webcasts in Support of EPUB 3.0

r-platform-new-york-time-zone-5>  Learn How to Get the Most from the JSTOR

Technology Services Presents: Let's Talk Technology!

National <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-47.html>
Archives Puts Popular Records Workshops Online for First Time!

nts-call-for-presentations>  SAA Research Forum: Call For Participants /
Call for Presentations

Information Resources

New AIIM Research <http://www.aiim.org/Resources/Industry-News/42942>  Shows
That Enterprise Social Technology Gets Work Done

A New Edition of an <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9189>
Essential Guide to Copyright Law for Librarians and Educators

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for <http://www.arl.org/fairuse>
Academic and Research Libraries

CNI Conversations <http://www.cni.org/resources/cni-conversations/>  Cover
Large Datasets, Identity, New Digital Scholarship

Library <http://www.arl.org/news/pr/LAC-Proceedings4jan12.shtml>  Assessment
Conference 2010 Proceedings Now Available for Purchase

<http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_student_survey_report.pdf>  2011
Global Student E-book Survey Now Freely Available

Provides Tips to Help Protect Your Online Image

GPO Supports <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news07.pdf>
National Archives on Public Access to President Kennedy Assassination Tape
Recording First Audio Content on FDsys

President <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news06.pdf>  Obama's
State of the Union Address Available on GPO's Federal Digital System

Awards & Grants

Top Reference <http://ala.org/ala/newspresscenter/news/pr?id=9094>  Titles
Named to RUSA's 2012 Outstanding Reference Sources List

CLIR Accepting <http://www.clir.org/news/pressrelease/12HCpr1.html>
Proposals for 2012 Cycle of Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and
Archives Grant Program

National <http://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2012/nr12-49.html>
Archives Awards $2.5 Million In Grants For Historical Records Projects

Patent <http://news.xerox.com/pr/xerox/Xerox-2011-patent-filings.aspx>
Filings Rank Xerox Among the World's Top Innovators

Product and Project Announcements

VuQEBuqfDs6EVs6E666666--&fn=ALA%20PRESS%20YEAR%20END%20.docx>  Exciting 2011
Leads to a Growing 2012 for 3M Library Systems 

VuQEBuqfDs6EVs6E666666--&fn=ALA%20Cloud%20Release.docx>  Continue for 3M
Cloud Library

American <http://www.atypon.com/news-and-events/press-release.php?id=2023>
Society of Civil Engineers Selects Atypon for New Digital Library

AIP <http://www.aip.org/press_release/aip_new_journal_covers.html>
Publishing Unveils New High Profile Cover Design for Its Portfolio of

ses/press_2012/press-release-12-01-09.html>  Clearance Center Acquires

te-Movie-License-80290.asp>  and MPLC Partner for New Corporate Movie

ebrary Ships <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_mobile_app.pdf>  New
Mobile App for Accessing Authoritative Content from Multiple Sources,
Enables Facebook Sign- in

ebrary <http://www.ebrary.com/corp/newspdf/ebrary_title_source_3.pdf>
Titles Now Available through Baker & Taylor's Title Source 3

fied-with-gale%e2%80%99s-biography-in-context/>  Exploration to the Library:
Gale and National Geographic Sign Agreement for Magazine Archive

fied-with-gale%e2%80%99s-biography-in-context/>  and Librarians More
Satisfied with Gale's Biography in Context 

the Nineteenth Century: Gale Outlines First Archives for Nineteenth Century
Collections Online

Discovery Service (EDS) to Provide Greater Value through Full Integration of
EBSCO A-to-Z and LinkSource

Publishing Releases American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals
Collection: Series 5 (1866-1877) 

New <http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=527>
Points of View Debate Blog Now Available for Students Using EBSCO
Publishing's Points of View Reference Center

<http://www2.ebsco.com/EN-US/NEWSCENTER/Pages/ViewArticle.aspx?QSID=526>  to
be Available via EBSCOhost

Streamlines Usage Data Management with EBSCONET Usage Consolidation

Emerald <http://www.emeraldinsight.com/about/news/story.htm?id=3796>
Launches Video Abstracts to Showcase Research

%7D>  Libris Releases Aleph Version 21

%7D>  Central Index to Provide Full-Text Search in Renowned HathiTrust

%7D>  Advisory Group Makes Its Recommendations for Open Data in Alma

IEEE <http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/ieeelibr/issues/2012-01-18/6.html>
Xplore Top eBook Titles of 2011

Encore Release 5 Brings <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=514>
Social Networking Capabilities to Discovery Platform

Innovative Releases <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=515>  Content
Pro 2.1 with User-Friendly Interface

Decision Center Brings <http://www.iii.com/news/pr_display.php?id=513>  New
Automated Recommendations to Libraries

JHU Press Blog <http://www.press.jhu.edu/news/index.html#Tea_and_Tintin>
Serves Up Tea and TinTin

r>  & Read: Expanding Access to JSTOR

tations-and-Table-of-Authorities.aspx>  enhances Lexis for Microsoft Office
with Real-Time Management of Quotes, Citations and Table of Authorities

x>  Launched Lexis Advance Features Next Generation Semantic Discovery
Capabilities from NetOwl

-business-intelligence-solutions-goes-international.aspx>  Business
Intelligence Solutions Goes International

Library of Congress <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-016.html>  Leaders
Announce New Digital Curation Residency Program

Library of Congress <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-017.html>  Offers
Congressional Record as iPad App

spx>  Launches FOSS4LIB to Provide Guidance to Libraries about Open Source

the Scientific Data Explosion: Microsoft Response to the OSTP Digital Data

E-resource <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/20127.htm>
Advisory Council Assisting OCLC in Further Development Of E-Resource

Article <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/20124.htm>  Exchange
Integrated into the WorldCat Resource Sharing Service 

New OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/20122.htm>
WorldShare License Manager Combines Knowledge Base with Linking Technology
to Offer New Approach to Electronic Resource Management 

OCLC Working <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/2012.htm>  with
SkillSoft to Add Records for Books24x7 Digital Book Catalog to WorldCat

Library Systems Debuts New Products, New Staff and Enhancements to Customer
Support at ALA Midwinter 2012 

Polaris <http://www.polarislibrary.com/news-events/continuesgrowth.html>
Library Systems Continues Strong Growth; Reaches 59 Signed Contracts in 2011

ProQuest <http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120120.shtml>
Goes Mobile 

<http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120120c.shtml>  to
Release First Module of NAACP Archives in April 

<http://www.proquest.com/en-US/aboutus/pressroom/12/20120120b.shtml>  and
Christian Science Monitor Extend Agreement to Provide Content from the
Newspaper's Origin in 1908, Onward 

Responds to Users' Needs with New Version of Write-N-Cite 

yAcadPartnerships.sp>  Launches Search for Outstanding Library-Academic

Scholarly iQ <http://www.scholarlyiq.com/media/ppt/PIRUS_20120121.ppt>
updates ALA Midwinter Conference on Developments in PIRUS2 Standards for
Aggregators and Repositories

turning-researchers-to-the-library/>  SolutionsR SummonR Service Continues
Its Mission of Returning Researchers to the Library 

-with-added-functionality-and-partners>  eResource Central Gains Momentum
with Added Functionality and Partners

ry-industry-s-first-native-facebook-app>  releases SirsiDynixR Social
LibraryT, Industry's First Native Facebook app

ition>  Reference Offers eBook Collections and Titles via SwetsWise 

ucing-mendeley-institutional-edition-powered-b>  New Standards in Research
Collaboration: Introducing Mendeley Institutional Edition Powered by Swets 

Agreement-01212012.asp>  - OverDrive Partner to Provide MARC Records

WestlawNext <http://thomsonreuters.com/content/press_room/legal/542489>
iPad App Adds New Collaboration Capabilities

GPO Supports <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news04.pdf>
Library of Congress in Creating Congressional Record App

VTLS Celebrates 2011 Successes  <http://www.vtls.com/node/97> 

Organization Changes

ARMA <http://www.arma.org/news/index.cfm?NewsID=985&Type=Industry>  Board of
Directors for 2012 Announced

EnvisionWare Welcomes <http://www.envisionware.com/en/release-ken-evans>
Ken Evans as Sales Consultant for Western North America

%7D>  Welcomes Craig Gorbet to Implementation Team

HighWire <http://highwire.stanford.edu/PR/HighWireMatthewsBraniff.pdf>
Bolsters Management Team with Key Business Development and COO Appointments

Roberta Shaffer Appointed <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-006.html>
Associate Librarian for Library Services

David Mao Appointed Law <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2012/12-005.html>
Librarian of Congress

Results of the 2011 Modern <http://www.mla.org/election_results_11>
Language Association Elections

OCLC <http://www.oclc.org/us/en/news/releases/2012/20128.htm>  Establishes
Strategic Partnership with Sustainable Collection Services

uctivity-solutions.aspx>  Acquires QUOSA, Provider of Life Sciences Content
Management and Workflow Productivity Solutions

Acting Public <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news02.pdf>
Printer Makes Key Management Appointments

Davita <http://www.gpo.gov/pdfs/news-media/press/12news01.pdf>  Vance-Cooks
Becomes Acting Public Printer First Woman to Lead U.S. Government Printing

Carol <http://news.xerox.com/pr/xerox/Carol-Zierhoffer-Named-Xerox-CIO.aspx>
Zierhoffer Named Xerox Chief Information Officer

_Partnership.pdf>  and TRLN Create Archiving Partnership

Policy & Legislation

ARL Joins Nine <http://www.arl.org/bm~doc/lt_oawg_3699_24jan12.pdf>
Organizations in Letter Opposing Research Works Act

l>  Libraries, ARL, SPARC Response to White House RFI on Public Access to
Digital Data

Modern <http://www.mla.org/news_from_mla/news_topic&topic=552>  Language
Association Executive Council Opposes Research Works Act

8E391>  Comment on Rogue Websites Legislative Developments

ission-on-digitization-of-federal-holdings>  Drive Underway to Create
Commission on Digitization of Federal Holdings

>  Response to White House RFI on Public Access to Scholarly Publications

Copyright C 2012 National Information Standards Organization
One North Charles Street, Suite 1905, Baltimore, MD 21201

Phone: 866.957.1593 Fax: 410.685.5278
E-mail:  <mailto:nisohq at niso.org> nisohq at niso.org 

Newsline editor:  <mailto:chodgson at niso.org> Cynthia Hodgson

For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from Newsline,
ISSN 1559-2774, please access  <http://www.copyright.com> www.copyright.com
or contact Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive,
Danvers, MA 01923, 978.750.8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that
provides licenses and registration for a variety of users.

To subscribe to NISO Newsline:

Send an e-mail to  <mailto:newsline-subscribe at list.niso.org> this link and
put "Subscribe Newsline" in the subject line.

To unsubscribe from NISO Newsline:

Send an e-mail  <mailto:newsline-unsubscribe at list.niso.org> this link with
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