[Asis-l] Fwd: [icie] Fwd: invitation to a young scientists contest on "futurevision?! which life do we want?", vienna, 30 march - 1 april 2016

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Jan 27 09:43:35 EST 2016

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[icie] Fwd: invitation to a young scientists contest on 
"futurevision?! which life do we want?", vienna, 30 march - 1 april 2016
Date: 	Tue, 26 Jan 2016 17:59:30 +0100
From: 	Rafael Capurro <rafael at capurro.de>
Reply-To: 	rafael at capurro.de
To: 	icie at zkm.de <icie at zkm.de>

Dear colleagues,



the upcoming european meeting on cybernetics and systems research 
(emcsr) is fully devoted to promote young scientists visioning on "which 
life do we want?“. it’s called emcsr avantgarde and is mainly a 
competition for a young scientist award given by the bertalanffy center 
for the study of systems thinking. the vision might refer to any 
scientific or technological field. a systems perspective underpinning 
the vision of a social or technological innovation is highly 
recommended, though.

you are invited to
– submit an abstract, if you are a young scientist and want to become a 
nominee for the price;
– work as jury member, if you are a senior scientist;
– suggest a workshop as a satellite, if you represent a well-established 
group researching or practicing in a field of importance to the overall 

for further details, pls, look at the following links:





the calls are open and will close at 19 february 2016.

the international society for information studies is co-organiser of 
that pop-up conference.

ao.univ.prof. dr. wolfgang hofkirchner
past president, vice president for funds

gobergasse 1, 1130 wien

+43 1 58801 18730 (no voicemail)
is4is.org <http://is4is.org>


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