[Asis-l] Digital Directions - August 3-5, Raleigh, NC - Early-bird Deadline is April 14

Julie Martin jmartin at nedcc.org
Thu Mar 26 12:47:51 EDT 2015

Early-bird discount deadline is approaching: April 14
DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections
Presented by NEDCC
August 3-5   -  Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC
JOIN US in Raleigh for 2  ½ days of instruction on best practices and practical strategies for the creation, curation, and use of digital collections.

PAST PARTICIPANTS comment on the benefits of attending Digital Directions:
- "This was truly a 'Digitization 101' for me. I am so glad I attended!  I can use the information to be more confident when making a presentation to the library directors and colleagues. Thank you!"
- "Very useful that the presentations work for participants in the "real world" where resources and time are limiting. I work within a limited horizon - you hit the sweet spot of needs / practical options."
- "Most valuable for me: Making connections with colleagues doing similar work; learning about recently developed standards, best practices, and recommendations; learning about digital project tools (especially application-agnostic general purpose tools), and hearing about case studies, especially lessons learned."
- "This conference will affect my preservation priorities as a project manager. I will be more cognizant of choosing to digitize on the basis of available resources. Outcome: shift in decision making framework."

SIGN UP for the optional Lunchtime Discussion Groups with faculty.  Ask your questions in a small group setting. Register early, lunch seats are limited!

COMPLETE INFO AND REGISTRATION:  bit.ly/DigDir15<http://bit.ly/DigDir15>

Contact Director of Preservation Services Jessica Bitely, jbitely at nedcc.org<mailto:jbitely at nedcc.org>

Preserving Cultural Heritage Collections Since 1973

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