[Asis-l] Software Engineering lecturer search, Arizona State University

Timothy Lindquist Tim.Lindquist at asu.edu
Tue May 14 13:38:28 EDT 2013

Software Engineering Lecturer Search:

Apologies, in case you receive multiple copies of this position vacancy. The department of Engineering, which offers programs in Software Engineering, Engineering, and Information Technology is searching lecturers to contribute primarily to Software Engineering programs (BS). Kindly forward to anyone who may be interested:

Software Engineering Lecturer Position, Department of Engineering
Arizona State University Polytechnic

Applications for a lecturer position supporting the Software Engineering program in the Department of Engineering in the College of Technology & Innovation (CTI) of Arizona State University (ASU) at the Polytechnic campus (ASU Job Posting #10382) are being sought. The Department of Engineering offers interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs in software engineering, engineering, and information technology with an emphasis on professional and project-based education. Applicants must have a Masters in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field. Preference will be given to applicants with a Ph.D. in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field, who have industry experience related to software engineering, or who have a multidisciplinary background related to the programs offered by the department.

The successful candidate is expected to engage undergraduate and graduate students in a hands-on educational setting involving team-based projects with industry applications, teach undergraduate and graduate software engineering courses, contribute to development and delivery of the Software Engineering programs, and participate in university and professional service activities. Preference will be given to candidates whose specialty is one or more of the following areas: computing education, software engineering, operating systems, networking, cyber-security, information assurance, or embedded systems. Preference will also be given to candidates with demonstrated ability or potential to deliver a broad range of computing courses, such as introductory programming, data structures, and algorithms, operating systems, or computer organization in addition to advanced courses in their area of specialization.

Interested candidates must submit 1) a letter of application indicating area(s) of interest and the alignment of candidate’s background, interests and experience with the mission of Department of Engineering and CTI, 2) a detailed curriculum vitae, 3) a statement of teaching and scholarship (limited to one page each), and 4) contact information of 3 references.

Submit all application materials by e-mail as a single PDF file to Hazel.Caldera at asu.edu (Subject: “Engineering Software Engineering Lecturer Position Search”). Applications review begins on June 11, 2013. Reviews will occur every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed. Contact: Dr. Tim Lindquist, Search Committee Chair, at Tim.Lindquist at asu.edu. CTI (https://technology.asu.edu) actively encourages diversity in its work force. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. ASU is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer and is dedicated to recruiting a diverse faculty community (ASU’s complete non-discrimination statement is at https://www.asu.edu/titleIX).

The full posting can be found at: 

Tim Lindquist, PhD
Chair of Computing Programs
Professor of Engineering
ASU Polytechnic

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