[Asis-l] Apply today for the BSIS program

Monroe, Wanda G. wmonroe at email.unc.edu
Fri Feb 1 11:30:02 EST 2013

Great jobs, an interesting and engaging program and $1,000 scholarships that will be awarded to two talented students are all part of the Bachelor of Science in Information Science (BSIS) program at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Did you know that students graduating with a bachelor's degree in information science had the highest rate of employment (85.7 percent) at UNC at Chapel Hill?
It's true that even in a bad economy our students are being recruited before they graduate from their information science program. They are hired into good paying and interesting positions.
Applications for North Carolina's only BSIS program and the minor in Information Systems are now being accepted for the Fall 2013 semester. The application process is open until March 1, 2013.
NEW! A dual BSIS/MSIS degree program is now available for those interested in an accelerated program. For more about this opportunity, please visit: http://sils.unc.edu/programs/bs-ms<http://sils.unc.edu/programs/bs-msInformation> science (IS) combines working with people, with designing technology and developing information content.
For example, as an IS major, a student might be involved in designing/developing the Web site that reports the scores of the Tar Heel teams. The student would be concerned with the people trying to view the site (True Blue Fans), the technology used to support the site (the Web and perhaps a database behind the site) and the game scores (along with relevant quotes from the players, news items, etc.).
The BSIS program draws on our award-winning faculty's strengths such as usability human-computer interaction, open source development, database design, information retrieval and human-information behavior and is designed to prepare graduates for a variety of careers in the information industry. Our graduates go into positions of:
* Project Managers
* Corporate Bloggers
* Social Media Managers (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
* Web Masters
* Knowledge Management Analysts
* Information Technology Analysts
* Software Quality Engineers
* Risk Management: Vulnerability Analysis, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuation
* Research Assistants
* And many more!
They work at organizations such as Credit Suisse, the United State Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Microsoft, IBM, Google, Progress Energy, SAS, CISCO, the Department of Homeland Security, Aetna, Lulu Enterprises and the U.S. Census Bureau, to name just a few.
According to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 30 fastest-growing occupations from now until 2016 include a number of information science occupations. Network systems and data communications is listed as the number one fastest growing occupation in the nation. Computer software engineers, systems software developers and database administrators are included on the list that require a bachelor's degree.
Some of the exciting, emerging and growing fields of information science that students may wish to explore include:
* Social Networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
* Open Culture: Open Source Software, Open Access
* Intelligence: market intelligence, business and competitive intelligence
* Search Engine Marketing or Search Engine Optimization
* Cyber and Internet Security
* Data Forensics: e-discovery, data recovery
* Scientific Informatics
Undergraduate students may apply for admission to either the major or minor program.
Two scholarships for $1,000 each will be awarded to newly admitted students into the BSIS major who meet the criteria of high scholastic achievement and a stellar essay.
Be part of one of the fastest growing fields in the nation by applying to the BSIS program today!
Apply online at: https://app.applyyourself.com/AYApplicantLogin/fl_ApplicantLogin.asp?id=unc-ch
For more information about our programs, contact us by calling 919-962-8366 or sending e-mail to: sils-ug at ils.unc.edu<mailto:sils-ug at ils.unc.edu> or by visiting the Web at:

Wanda Monroe
Director of Communications
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
108 Manning Hall, CB#3360
Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3360
wmonroe at unc.edu<mailto:wmonroe at unc.edu>
Follow us on Twitter at: UNCSILS
Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.edu/uncsils

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