[Asis-l] Information Literacy/Ibero-America.Celebrating 1442 contents-resources and the Declaration of Havana in English

Alejandro Uribe Tirado auribe at bibliotecologia.udea.edu.co
Wed Oct 24 22:12:53 EDT 2012

This October 25th marks the 3rd anniversary of the Ibero-America Information 
Literacy Project that began with the blog: 
http://alfiniberoamerica.blogspot.com and has continued with the generation of 
different Web resources: http://aurl.es/bd.u

To mark this anniversary, and as part of the Open Access Week (22 to 28 
October), we want to share two news of great value:

* This week we attained 1442 contents-resources from the repository-wiki: 
http://alfiniberoamerica.wikispaces.com, that reflect the state of the art of 
this subject in our 22 countries (Latin America, Spain and Portugal), most 
open access:

Articles (425) - Papers (309) - Books/Chapters (93) - Degree 
Works/Undergraduate (30) - Thesis/Postgraduate (72) - Declarations, models, 
levels and standards (32) - Presentations (140) - Videos (43) - Audios (5) - 
Events (46) - Web Resources (34) - Experiences and information literacy 
courses (213)

* The publication of the "Havana Declaration: fifteen information literacy 
actions from Ibero America..." in its English version: 
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BweUYcipCswRUlUwMEV0dXJOZzQ (thanks to the 
collaboration of Jesus Lau, Mari Carmen Torras and Sean Cordes), whose aim is 
to present our vision and information literacy purposes internationally. This 
English version is attached to and made to Brazilian Portuguese, Portugal 
Portuguese and Catalan: 

Therefore, we invite you to visit and report both our wiki-repository with 
multiple content-resources, as this declaration in these languages, 
considering that from Latin America can work together and make different 
contributions to information literacy in the world.


Alejandro Uribe Tirado
PhD Candidate / University of Granada (Spain)
Professor / Inter-American School of Information Science
Researcher / Information, Knowledge and Society Group 
Information Literacy, Information Technology and Knowledge Management Areas
University of Antioquia
Medellin, Colombia
auribe at bibliotecologia.udea.edu.co
auribe at correo.ugr.es
http://bit.ly/mfvCdc (Curriculum Courses using Moodle)
http://bit.ly/lLqBiY (Information Literacy Course using Moodle)
http://bit.ly/9kckMh (Research Group)
http://bit.ly/dkxuDd (Curriculum Vitae) 
http://bit.ly/jAJHv5 (Research Extranet) 
http://bit.ly/kv8kef (Open Access Publications)
http://bit.ly/qGh0W8 (Citation Index G. Scholar)
http://bit.ly/kayLhk (EXIT-Directory of Experts in Information Handling)

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