[Asis-l] Call for Participation IIiX 2012, EuroHCIR 2012

Jaap Kamps kamps at uva.nl
Fri Jun 22 03:32:33 EDT 2012

Call for Participation: Information Interaction in Context IIiX 2012, 
Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Information Interaction in Context 2012



[Early bird registration closes at: **June 25**, 2012] [Conference 
August 21-24, 2012]

Conference program: http://iiix2012.cs.ru.nl/wordpress/?page_id=227

The Information Interaction in Context conference ( IIiX ) explores the 
relationships between and within the contexts that affect information 
retrieval and information seeking, how these contexts impact information 
behavior, and how knowledge of information contexts and behaviors 
improves the design of interactive information systems.

The intention of IIiX is to foster an integrated approach to information 
access by bringing together members of the research communities in 
information seeking behavior, (Behavior Track), user interface design 
for IR systems (Interface Track), interactive IR (Interaction Track), 
and IR system design (System Track).

The IIiX 2012 program includes three keynote speakers: Peter Ingwersen, 
Diane Kelly and Daniel Russell, 25 full papers , 22 poster papers and 7 
doctoral consortium Participants.

IIiX 2012 is organized by Radboud university Nijmegen and the University 
of Amsterdam in cooperation with the ACM and ACM SIGIR.

Registration information: http://iiix2012.cs.ru.nl/wordpress/?page_id=200

A block of rooms has been secured in the Mercure hotel for a special 
conference rate.

This rate is available until July 15.



The 2th European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information 
Retrieval  will be held in conjunction with IIiX 2012. HCIR is the study 
of information retrieval (IR) techniques that bring human intelligence 
into the search process. It combines research from the fields of 
human-computer interaction (HCI) and IR, placing an emphasis on human 
involvement in search activities. Additional details can be found at: 

[Date: August 25, 2012 EuroHCIR workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands]

Twitter hashtags: #iiix2012  , #euroHCIR

Immediately after IIiX and EuroHCIR  starts the:

2nd Erasmus Intensive Program on 'Information Foraging'


This summer school has the form of an intensive course given by 12 
lecturers that are experts in their domain.

The goal of the course is to introduce students at master and early PhD 
level to theoretical models and technology related to all facets of 
interaction with information in an information seeking context.

The lectures are grouped in 4 themes: Information Seeking Behaviour, 
Interaction, Context and Personalized Search, exploiting explicit and 
implicit social annotations. Additional details and registration  
information can be found at: http://www.ru.nl/is/ifl/education/ip-2012/

Registration fee is  just 250 Euro.

[Dates August 27 - September 7, 2012, Radboud University Nijmegen, The 

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