[Asis-l] Copyright and Academic Culture: New Issues and Developments

Olga Francois OFrancois at umuc.edu
Thu Sep 6 15:27:39 EDT 2007


Please join the CIP for the first of our four (4) engaging online

      Copyright and Academic Culture:
        New Issues and Developments

Moderated by: Siva Vaidhyanathan, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Media
Studies and Law, University of Virginia
Where? Online
When? October 1-12, 2007  (early registration ends September 21)

Would you like to step behind the legal battles and economic interests
in order to think more about the cultural values that influence how we
think and talk about copyright? In a clear, straightforward, engaging
style, cultural historian and media scholar Siva Vaidhyanathan will
offer insight to help untangle some of the intricate web of culture,
law, and technology. This workshop is an opportunity for both the
theorist and the practitioner of copyright law and policy to explore
some of the complex issues behind the management of copyrights on

Goals for the course:
*	Review the purpose, role, and scope of copyright and its
relation to academic culture;
*	Consider some of the problems, challenges, changes, and
opportunities facing academia;
*	Examine the relationship of the academy to copyright via the
Google Library and consider important questions for both libraries and
*	Explore the current controversy surrounding e-reserves as an
example of copyright and academic culture in conflict;
*	Examine the evolving relationship between the publishing
industry and libraries.
*	Register- http://tinyurl.com/29jg53

Other titles in the 2007-2008 Workshop Series include:
DMCA, P2P Filesharing and Campus Responses
Dates: November 5-16, 2007 (early registration by October 19)
Integrating Access to Digital Course Materials: Blackboard/WebCT,
Coursepacks, e-Reserves, Licensed Materials, e-Books, Open Access...What
Will They Think of Next?
Dates: January 28 - February 8, 2008 (early registration by January 11)
Building a Community that Values Academic Integrity
Dates: February 25 - March 7, 2008 (early registration by February 8 )

Workshop Descriptions & Goals-
Moderator Bios- http://www.umuc.edu/cip/ipa/moderators.shtml
FAQ- http://www.umuc.edu/cip/ipa/faq.shtml

Early Bird Rates $150 each
http://tinyurl.com/29jg53 [Secured Server]

For more on the Center for Intellectual Property's resources & services
please see our homepage at- http://www.umuc.edu/cip/
Olga Francois, Assistant Director
Center for Intellectual Property
University of Maryland University College
3501 University Blvd. East, PGM3-780
Adelphi, MD 20783
Phone: 240-582-2803
ofrancois at umuc.edu

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