[Asis-l] University at Buffalo School of Informatics Dissolution complete; DLIS in UB Graduate School of Education (fwd)

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Feb 22 12:56:06 EST 2007

[Posted by request.  Dick Hill

Subject: Buffalo DLIS in UB Graduate School of Education

The Department of Library and Information Studies at the University at
Buffalo, once a separate school of Library and Information Studies and
then a department in the School of Informatics, will now be a department
in the university's Graduate School of Education. The announcement from 
the university provost follows below:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
 From: Office of the Provost <provost at buffalo.edu>
 Date: Feb 16, 2007 10:48 AM
 Subject: Department of Library & Information Studies/Department of
 16 February 2007
 Dear University Community,
 On 31 July 2006, I asked the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to work
 Professor Lucinda Finley throughout the Fall 2006 semester in her capacity
 as interim Dean of the School of Informatics to explore the proposal to
 the Department of Library and Information Studies to the Graduate School of
 Education and the Department of Communication to the College of Arts and
 Sciences.  I further asked the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to
 advisement to the interim Dean and me before any organizational changes
 would be implemented.  In parallel, the faculty in the Department of
 and Information Studies spent the Fall 2006 semester in active
 as to where would be the best administrative home so to ensure the
 vitality of their research, teaching, and service responsibilities.
 I am very pleased to announce, upon full review of the Department of
 and Information Studies Faculty and in consultation with the deans of the
 College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Education and the
 Faculty Senate Academic Planning Committee, the Department of Library and
 Information Studies Faculty has decided to join the Graduate School of
 Education.  During the Fall 2006 semester, the Faculty of the Department of
 Communication began to work actively toward their departmental alignment
 with the College of Arts and Sciences.   It is my anticipation that matters
 related to the transitions of the Department of Communication and the
 Department of Library and Information Studies will be completed by the end
 of the Spring 2007 semester.
 I am also very pleased to note, these organizational changes will not
 our current or incoming students.  All undergraduate and graduate degree
 programs will continue in their new administrative homes.
 With this realignment, faculty and students within the Department of
 Communication and the Department of Library and Information Studies will
 enjoy more enhanced opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary
 collaborations with their colleagues in the College of Arts and Sciences
 the Graduate School of Education.  I have every expectation that our
 and students will flourish in their new decanal homes and the departments
 Communication and Library and Information Studies will continue to be
 recognized for excellence across their scholarly, teaching, and public
 service activities.
 Best regards,
 Satish K. Tripathi
 Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

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