[Asis-l] Jim Cretsos passes away

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Thu Oct 26 10:59:58 EDT 2006

The following information was just received.  James Cretsos, ASIS&T
President in 1979, mentor to uncounted numbers, passed away on August 4,

Long dear to Jim's heart, ASIS&T named it's Leadership Development Award in
Jim's honor.

Thanks to Ted Morris for the sad information
Dick Hill

Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900 


Sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings...and maybe this is already 
known but I'd missed it...

Former ASIST & SLA president Jim Cretsos died August 4th.

His obit and memorial information just came out in the Cincinnati 
Enquirer today (10/26). He apparently passed away August 4th, and the 
family held a private ceremony on August 9th. The information in 
today's paper notes an upcoming memorial service in North Carolina 
this Saturday, October 28th.

There are obviously a <lot> of ASIST folks who can praise and honor 
Jim 'way better than I can, even though I've known him my whole 
professional life (back to '78). You didn't always agree with him, 
but you couldn't help respecting and admiring him for his drive in 
what he believed in.

Anyway, here's the URL to the Enquirer's information:



Theodore Allan (Ted) Morris, PhD          | tamorris at kent.edu
Asst. Prof., Columbus Pgm., Kent State U. | wb8vnv at hotmail.com
   School of Library & Information Science | "Hey, TED!!"
124 Mount Hall - 1050 Carmack Rd.         |    Voice       Fax
Columbus, OH 43210                        | 614-292-7746, -3618
   Failure isn't the falling down, it's the not getting up again. 

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