[Asis-l] FW: April 5th Symposium on Knowledge Management in Turbulent Times

Mike Crandall mikecran at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 20 06:56:13 EST 2006

The Institute for Innovation in Information Management
(http://www.ischool.washington.edu/i3m), a new initiative of the University
of Washington Information School, is sponsoring a symposium on the
University of Washington campus in Kane Hall on Wednesday April 5th, to
discuss some of the issues being faced by organizations in managing
knowledge and information in a “flat” world.  

Speakers from Parsons Brinckerhoff, Boeing, Casey Family Programs, Cingular
Wireless, and Washington Mutual Bank will be examining critical questions in
the area of information and knowledge management, along with a response
panel composed of faculty from the Information School.  

Initial results of a research study funded by the Institute examining
Parsons Brinckerhoff’s global Practice Area Networks, focused on discovering
key indicators of alignment with business strategy, will be presented as

Details of the symposium are available on the web site, along with the
agenda and online registration if you are interested in attending.  Please
forward to others who might have an interest.  Thanks!!!

Michael Crandall
Chair, Master of Science in Information Management Program
The Information School
University of Washington
mikecran at u.washington.edu

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