[Asis-l] FW: UNC News Release 06/16/06 -- President Bush announces intention to nominate Griffiths to national board

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Fri Jun 16 13:11:30 EDT 2006

[Forwarded.  Dick Hill]

Richard B. Hill
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-----Original Message-----
From: Greene, Michelle [mailto:mgreene at dev.unc.edu] 
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 12:01 PM
Subject: UNC News Release 06/16/06 -- President Bush announces intention to
nominate Griffiths to national board

UNC News Release:

For immediate use 	
June 16, 2006 -- No. 316

Photo: To download a photo of Griffiths, see end of story.

President Bush announces intention
to nominate Griffiths to national board

CHAPEL HILL - Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, dean of the School of Information
and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has
been chosen by President George W. Bush to serve on the National Science

The White House announced Thursday (June 15) that Griffiths is among eight
whose intended nominations will be presented to the U.S. Senate for
confirmation. Her term would continue until May 2012.

The 24-member National Science Board advises the president and Congress
about national science and engineering policy and oversees the National
Science Foundation, which awards research grants to universities and

"I am honored by this nomination and consider it a privilege to work with
other members of the board at this critical time in the nation's scientific
competitiveness," said Griffiths. "The U.S. faces potential erosion of its
scientific leadership as the number of American science and engineering
graduates declines, and as research and development efforts move offshore."

Griffiths' research spans information science, technology and leadership.
She has done groundbreaking work on the value and return on investment in
information systems and services; researched the development of protocols
and policies for resource sharing across organizations on local, state and
regional levels, including both public and private institutions; reported on
the influences of the digital revolution on the conduct of research; and
studied success criteria and best practices for information technology in
higher education.

Griffiths came to Carolina in 2004 from the University of Pittsburgh, where
she was Doreen E. Boyce chair and professor in the School of Information
Sciences. She also directed the university's Sara Fine Institute for
Interpersonal Behavior and Technology and was an associate of the Learning
Research and Development Center. She has held two previous presidential
appointments: to the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee
(2003 to 2005) and the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information
Science (1996 to 2002).

In 2005, she founded the Knowledge Trust, concerned with the role and
preparation of 21st-century knowledge professionals.

Ranked No. 1 by U.S. News & World Report among graduate schools in its
field, the UNC School of Information and Library Science is home to 252
master's degree students, 50 doctoral students, 43 undergraduate majors, 25
minors and five certificate of advanced study students.

- 30 -

Photo URL:

Related links: UNC School of Information and Library Science Web site:
White House news release:

School of Information and Library Science contact: Wanda Monroe, (919)
843-8337, wmonroe at email.unc.edu

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