[Asis-l] MIREX 2006: Music Retrieval Evaluation Submissions Open

J. Stephen Downie jdownie at uiuc.edu
Tue Jul 25 12:58:15 EDT 2006

Hello all -

We at the International Music Information Retrieval Systems Evaluation 
Laboratory (IMIRSEL) are pleased to announce that the 2006 Music 
Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2006) is now accepting 
submissions of algorithms and abstracts for the 2006 evaluation runs.

You can find the online submission system on the MIREX 2006 wiki: 

More information about MIREX 2006 can be found at:

As of 24 July 2006, these are the tasks that we plan to run as part of 
MIREX 2006

     * Audio Beat Tracking
     * Audio Melody Extraction
     * Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval
     * Audio Cover Song
     * Audio Onset Detection
     * Audio Tempo Extraction
     * QBSH: Query-by-Singing/Humming
     * Score Following
     * Symbolic Melodic Similarity

Special Pairings of MIREX 2006 Tasks

This year, we seem to have arrived at some sets of evaluation tasks that 
are closely related to each other in some way (i.e., similar data, 
similar evaluations, and/or similar algorithms that can perform both 
tasks, etc.). Given these pairings, do be should sure to check out the 
related task to see if you might want to participate. These pairings are 

     * Audio Beat Tracking and Audio Tempo Extraction
     * Audio Music Similarity & Retrieval and Audio Cover Song
     * Symbolic Melodic Similarity and QBSH: Query-by-Singing/Humming

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules of the MIREX 
2006 evaluation runs, your submission and/or the online submission 
system, or if you have any unique circumstances and/or requests, please 
contact the IMIRSEL Group at mrx-com09 at lists.lis.uiuc.edu.

And a hearty thanks to the IMIRSEL/MIREX project sponsors:
The National Science Foundation (IIS 0327371)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

Also, a special thanks to the Task Leaders for helping define and run 
each of this year's tasks.


    "Research funding makes the world a better place"
J. Stephen Downie, PhD
Associate Professor,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science; and,
Center Affliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Voicemail] (217) 265-5018
M2K Project Home: http://music-ir.org/evaluation/m2k

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