[Asis-l] ISJ Special Issue & AMCIS'06 HCI Track

Hess, Traci thess at cbe.wsu.edu
Fri Jan 27 19:45:09 EST 2006

AMCIS 2006 - Acapulco, Mexico
August 4-6, 2006

We are pleased to announce that the Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
has agreed to publish expansions of the best completed papers from
participating mini-tracks of the HCI track at AMCIS 2006.  Our special
thanks go to the co-editors of ISJ, Dr. Guy Fitzgerald and Dr. David
Avison, for their support of HCI research and AIS SIGHCI.

HCI researchers wishing to participate in this fast-tracking opportunity
should submit their papers to one of the participating HCI mini-tracks
(as designated on the SIGHCI AMCIS'06 web site
http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci/amcis06/). SIGHCI's policies regarding
fast-tracking with SIGHCI sponsored special journal issues and best
paper awards at conferences are available at

*** CALL FOR PAPERS *** (apologies for cross postings)

AMCIS 2006 - Acapulco, Mexico
August 4-6, 2006
Sponsored by AIS SIGHCI (http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci/)

February 1, 2006: Abstract submission deadline (please submit abstracts
via email to the appropriate mini-track chair).

March 1, 2006: Paper submission deadline (please submit papers via the
AIS Review System - http://reviews.aisnet.org/AMCIS2006).

SIGHCI is sponsoring the following 10 mini-tracks under the HCI track at
AMCIS 2006:

1) Emergency Response Information Systems (co-sponsored w/SIGDSS), Co-
chairs: Tung Bui (tbui at cba.hawaii.edu), Murray Turoff (turoff at njit.edu),
and Bartel Van de Walle (bartel at njit.edu)

2) HCI Education for IS Professionals, Chair: Mary Jo Davidson
(mjdavidson at cs.depaul.edu)

3) HCI Issues in Healthcare IT (co-sponsored w/SIGHealth), Chair: Vance
Wilson (wilsonv at uwm.edu)

4) HCI Models and Issues in Information Seeking Engines, Chair: Ricard
E. (Rick) Downing (Rick.Downing at Rockhurst.edu)

5) HCI with Mobile Devices (co-sponsored w/SIGE-BIZ), Co-chairs: Fiona
Fui-Hoon Nah (fnah at unlnotes.unl.edu) and Peter Tarasewich
(tarase at ccs.neu.edu)

6) Human Cognition in Computing, Chair: Tom Stafford
(tstaffor at memphis.edu)

7) Information Visualization and Decision Support (co-sponsored
w/SIGDSS), Co-chairs: Ozgur Turetken (turetken at temple.edu) and David
Schuff (David.Schuff at temple.edu)

8) Interface Design, Evaluation, and Impact, Co-chairs: Matt Germonprez
(germonr at uwec.edu), Traci Hess (thess at cbe.wsu.edu), and Scott McCoy
(scott.mccoy at mason.wm.edu)

9) IT/Systems Accessibility, Co-chairs: Eleanor T. Loiacono
(eloiacon at wpi.edu), Scott McCoy (scott.mccoy at mason.wm.edu), Deborah Fels
(dfels at ryerson.ca)

10) Personalization Systems, Chair: Il Im (il.im at yonsei.ac.kr)

For more information on these mini-tracks, please refer to the Call for
Papers on the AMCIS 2006 site (http://amcis2006.aisnet.org/) or the
SIGHCI site (http://sigs.aisnet.org/sighci/amcis06/). If you have
questions about a specific mini-track under the HCI track, please
contact the mini-track (co)-chairs directly.

If you have questions about the HCI track, please contact Matt
Germonprez (germonr at uwec.edu), Traci Hess (thess at cbe.wsu.edu), Scott
McCoy (scott.mccoy at mason.wm.edu), or Fiona Nah (fnah at unlnotes.unl.edu).

We hope to see you at AMCIS in Acapulco!

Traci J. Hess, Ph.D. 
Department of Information Systems 
College of Business and Economics 
Washington State University 
P.O. Box 644743 
Pullman, WA 99164-4743 
(509) 335-6353 
thess at cbe.wsu.edu

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