[Asis-l] New Human Information Behavior Book

Professor Amanda Spink ah.spink at qut.edu.au
Mon Feb 13 18:41:33 EST 2006

New Directions in Human Information Behavior
Series: Springer – Information Science and Information Management. Vol. 8 

Spink, Amanda; Cole, Charles (Eds.) 2005, VI, 254 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 1-4020-3667-1

New Directions in Human Information Behavior provides an understanding of the new directions, leading edge theories and models in human information behavior. Information behavior is conceptualized as complex human information related processes that are embedded within an individual’s everyday social and life processes.

Introduction: New Directions in Human Information Behavior 
Amanda Spink and Charles Cole

Emerging Evolutionary Approach to Human Information Behavior 
Amanda Spink and James Currier 

Information Behavior in Pre-Literate Societies 
Andrew D. Madden, Jared Bryson and Joe Palimi

Towards a Social Framework for Information Seeking
Eszter Hargittai and Amanda Hinnant

Mapping Textually-Mediated Information Practice in Clinical Midwifery Care,
Pamela McKenzie 

Information Grounds: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Findings on Information Flow in Social Settings 
Karen E. Fisher and Charles M. Naumer

Information Sharing 
Sanna Talja and Preben Hansen 

Multitasking and Coordinating Framework for Human Information Behavior 
Amanda Spink, Minsoo Park and Charles Cole 

A Nonlinear Perspective on Information Seeking
Allen Foster

A Cognitive Framework for Human Information Behavior: The Place of Metaphor in Human Information Organizing Behavior
Charles Cole and John Leide

The Digital Information Consumer 
David Nicholas, Paul Huntington, Peter Williams and Tom Dubrowolski

Integrating Framework and Further Research.
Amanda Spink and Charles Cole
Amanda Spink
Professor of Information Technology
Faculty of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Gardens Point Campus
2 George St, GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Tel: 61-7-3864-9583 Fax: 61-7-3864-2703
Email: ah.spink at qut.edu.au
Homepage: http://sky.fit.qut.edu.au/~spinkah/

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