[Asis-l] [Eurchap] Call for Proposals - JASIST Perspectives onm Global Information Ethics
Richard Hill
rhill at asis.org
Wed May 18 16:26:19 EDT 2005
Perspectives Issue for Journal of the American Society for Information
Society and Technology (JASIST) - Call for Papers
Toni Carbo (University of Pittsburgh) and Marti Smith (Drexel University)
The Perspectives on Global Information Ethics (IE) will focus on three
primary areas: 1) History and Context, 2) Teaching, and 3) Policy. Also of
interest are perspectives on: research agendas, in areas such as health
care information, electronic government, security, and education; bridges to
practice in the information profession, including the role of professionals
associations in developing and enforcing codes of ethics; and resources in
information ethics. The History and Context section will cover the history
of information ethics from 1988 to the present within the wider context of
applied ethics. The context also includes: social networks and patterns in
scholarly communications; relation to media ethics, computer ethics, and
cyberethics; and diversity in global approaches to Information Ethics and
Information/Communication Technology (ICT).
The section on teaching will provide perspectives on which programs are
teaching information ethics, what approaches are used, issues related to IE
and other related topics. The section on policy will include perspectives
on ethical issues related to areas such as: terrorism and national security;
privacy and anonymity/pseudonymity; ownership of information (copyright,
Information Commons); integrity of information content;
preservation/exclusion (also known as removal) in archives/records
management; freedom of expression; and credibility and trust on the Web.
The editors are interested in global perspectives on these topics and
welcome articles from scholars around the world. Articles should provide:
1) an analysis and synthesis of existing research, and 2) issues to be
addressed, and 3) suggestions for future research. The papers are not
intended to be reports on individual research projects, but should provide
broad perspectives on the topic addressed.
Expression of interest in submitting a paper, along with a one-page abstract
Final papers will be DUE JANUARY 15, 2006.
Send to: Dr. Toni Carbo, Professor, School of Information Sciences,
University of Pittsburgh, 605 IS Building, 135 N. Bellefield Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15218 USA
Email: tcarbo at mail.sis.pitt.edu Phone: 412 624-9310
Richard B. Hill
Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: (301) 495-0810
Voice: (301) 495-0900
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