[Asis-l] ASIST Doctoral Seminar

wildem at ils.unc.edu wildem at ils.unc.edu
Wed Apr 7 08:58:25 EDT 2004

As you've been seeing on your email, ASIST has two award programs for 
doctoral students: one for the dissertation and one for proposals.  The 
details of these awards are available at 

The less visible aspect of these programs is that the pool of those 
nominated (doctoral students may nominate themselves) is also eligible to 
participate in the ASIST SIG ED Doctoral Seminar on Research and Career 
Development.  In the seminar, each participating student is paired with a 
more senior scholar working in the same research area.  Individual 
conversations concerning research questions and plans, as well as a group 
conversation about academic/research careers, are included in the seminar 
schedule.  The seminar is held during the ASIST annual meeting.

If you have successfully defended your proposal or your dissertation this 
year, please consider participating in these programs.

Barbara Wildemuth
wildem at ils.unc.edu

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