[Asis-l] New Publication Available

GSLIS Publications Office puboff at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu
Thu May 8 16:16:43 EDT 2003

Now available from the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library
and Information Science Publications Office:

Library Trends, 51(3), Winter 2003
"Economics of Libraries" edited by Lewis G. Liu and Bryce Allen

Single copies are $28, including postage. Subscription rates for the
quarterly are: Institutional, $100 per volume ($107 for international
subscribers); Individual, $70 per volume ($77 for international
subscribers); and Student, $30 per volume ($37 for international
subscribers). ISSN 0024-2594 Order single copies or subscriptions from the
University of Illinois Press, Journals Department, 1325 S. Oak Street,
Champaign, IL 61820; 1-866-244-0626; fax: 217-244-9910; e-mail:
journals at uillinois.edu.

The theme of this issue is economics of libraries. However, when
discussing economics of libraries, one would naturally think of economics
of information since libraries are information-provision institutions and
many library operations and management decisions are made based on costs
of journal subscriptions, monographs, databases, and online information
systems. The scope of economics of information is much broader than many
think. The literature on economics of information and libraries may
consist of the following areas: asymmetric information; microeconomic
studies on libraries as decision-making institutions, such as studies on
economies of scale and management of libraries using production functions
and cost functions, cost-benefit studies of library operations, services,
and databases, cost and planning models of libraries, and data envelopment
analysis of library operations; economics of scholarly publishing and
communication; financial management of libraries and information services;
outputs, performance measures, and evaluations of libraries and
information services; economics of networks and economics of the Internet;
information as a public good versus information as a commodity and free
information versus fee-based information; and economics of intellectual
property and copyright protection.
	This list is by no means exhaustive. It intends to highlight some
important research areas in economics of information and libraries. Some
of these areas have been studied by both economists and library and
information science scholars. Other areas have been only the concerns of
economists. While this issue does not cover all the above areas due to the
time limit to complete this issue and limited pages allowed, the
contributions cover a wide range of issues related to economics of
libraries and information services and can be classified into four broad
categories: economics of academic libraries, public libraries, library
cooperation, and financial management of libraries. They not only reflect
the new research trends but also reflect the continuation of this body of
research literature from the past. 

--From the Introduction by Lewis G. Liu

Articles and Authors Include:

"The Economic Behavior of Academic Research Libraries: Toward a Theory,"
Lewis G. Liu

"The Cost Function and Scale Economies in Academic Research Libraries,"
Lewis G. Liu

"Applying DEA Technique to Library Evaluation in Academic Research
Libraries," Wonsik Shim

"Activity-Based Costing in User Services of an Academic Library," Jennifer

"Scholarly Materials: Paper or Digital?" Richard E. Quandt

"Library Economic Metrics:  Examples of the Comparison of Electronic and
Print Journal Collections and Collection Services,
" Donald W. King, Peter B. Boyce, Carol Hansen Montgomery, and Carol

"Cost, Statistics, Measures, and Standards for Digital Reference Services:
A Preliminary View," R. David Lankes, Melissa Gross, and Charles R.

"Public Opinion and the Funding of Public Libraries," Bryce Allen

"Measuring Outcomes: Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis to Middle-Sized and
Smaller Public Libraries," Glen E. Holt and Donald Elliott

"Cooperative Game Theoretic Models for Decision-Making in Contexts of
Library Cooperation," Robert M. Hayes

"Financial Management of Libraries: Past Trends and Future Prospects,"
Stephen A. Roberts

The Publications Office
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
501 E. Daniel Street
Champaign, IL 61820-6211

(217) 333-1359 phone, (217) 244-7329 FAX
puboff at alexia.lis.uiuc.edu

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