[Asis-l] CO-ASIS&T Program Announcement for February 5, 2003

Patricia Furney PFURNEY at cml.lib.oh.us
Thu Jan 16 14:20:52 EST 2003

Please excuse any duplicated postings of
this announcement.

Join us for the year's first CO-ASIS&T program.
Meet Patrick Losinski, New Executive Director
of the Columbus Metropolitan Library, as he shares
his insights about "Public Libraries: Empowering
Staff and Managing Technology in Turbulent Times"

WHERE: Columbus Metropolitan Library
                    Main Library Auditorium
                    96 South Grant Avenue
                    Columbus, Ohio 43215
WHEN:     Wednesday, February 5, 2003
                     6:00 - 6:30 p.m.   Refreshments
                     6:30 - 7:30 p.m.   Program
Everyone is welcome to attend and the event is 
FREE of charge.  Please make reservations with 
Patricia Furney at pfurney at cml.lib.oh.us or by 
calling Patricia at 614-645-2800 or 614-361-3621.

Parking is available in the library's attached garage.
Map available at: www.columbuslibrary.org 

Central Ohio Chapter

American Society for Information Science & Technology
Patricia Furney
Becky Ellis
Program Co-Chairs

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