Susan Emilie Manus sman at loc.gov
Mon Aug 18 08:30:48 EDT 2003

(This announcement is cross-posted to several mailing lists.  Apologies
for duplication.)                                                       
Early Registration for ISMIR 2003 has now been extended   through
Wednesday, August 20th.  

ISMIR 2003 - 4th International Conference on Music
Information Retrieval   
October 26-30, 2003   
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA, and
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 

Registration is available online (as well as other methods);   see
http://ismir2003.ismir.net/, under "registration".      

We look forward to seeing many of you at ISMIR 2003.                   

Sue Manus and Sayeed Choudhury
Co-chairs, ISMIR 2003                 

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