[Students-l] ACM CHIIR 2018 call for participation: March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ
Chirag Shah
chirags at rutgers.edu
Wed Feb 21 22:48:49 EST 2018
The ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced "cheer")
March 11-15, 2018
twitter: @ACM_CHIIR #CHIIR2018
We invite you to attend the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) next month. CHIIR will be take place from March 11-15, 2018 in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. New Brunswick is about 38 miles (60 km) from New York City.
Registration is open and the regular registration rate is good through February 25 (11:59pm in NJ, Eastern Standard Time). Visit http://sigir.org/chiir2018/registration.php to find out more and register.
The hotel rooms that we had blocked are all taken up now. You can still book a room in the conference hotel (The Heldrich), but for that, please visit The Heldrich<https://www.theheldrich.com/> website to make your booking. Don't forget — there are going to be wonderful social events<http://sigir.org/chiir2018/social.php> in and around the conference hotel and you don't want to miss any fun!
Some program highlights include
* Keynote speakers are Susan Dumais from Microsoft Research and Pertti Vakkari from University of Tampere, Finland
* Full papers with topics such as search bots, requerying, and augmentation of human memory
* Perspective papers with bold new ideas such as reality-based IR and information fostering
* Short papers and demos with exciting new research themes and applications
* Tutorials covering information visualization, deep learning, and structural equation modeling
* Workshops on IIR resources and evaluation
Breakfasts and lunches at the Heldrich Hotel will be included with registration.
A welcome reception will be held at the Zimmerli Art Museum, and the conference banquet will be held at the Ria Mar Portuguese Restaurant.
Contact chiir2018 at acm.org<mailto:chiir2018 at acm.org> if you have any questions.
See you in New Brunswick in March.
Chirag Shah, PhD
Associate Professor of Information and Computer Science, Rutgers University
Director, InfoSeeking Lab, http://infoseeking.org
http://chiragshah.org, @chirag_shah
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