[Students-l] Fwd: [Sigmetrics] Job opening: Doctoral student in LIS with a focus on knowledge organization

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Tue Jan 31 09:29:15 EST 2017

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Subject: 	[Sigmetrics] Job opening: Doctoral student in LIS with a focus 
on knowledge organization
Date: 	Tue, 31 Jan 2017 10:20:38 +0100
From: 	Björn Hammarfelt <bjorn.hammarfelt at hb.se>
To: 	sigmetrics at mail.asis.org

  Doctoral student in Library and Information Science with focus on
  knowledge organization

Ref: PA 2017/25

The Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT conducts 
research and education in the areas of library and information science, 
informatics and education. The Faculty also has research education 
rights in the area of library and information science.

The Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) is the 
biggest research and educational environment within library and 
information science in Sweden. It conducts education on all levels: 
undergraduate, Master´s, and doctoral. Bachelor’s programmes are 
given in Librarianship, Web content management and design as well as 
Master’s programmes.

Research is conducted together with external research and professional 
organisations both nationally and internationally. Researchers are 
organised into groups, such as Information Practices, Digital Resources 
and Services, Library, Culture and Society, Social Media Studies and a 
Strategic Research Programme in Data Science. The SSLIS has 
approximately 700 students and 15-20 doctoral students, around 70 
employees, including 12 professors and associate professors. SSLIS 
researchers have been involved in large EU projects related to digital 
preservation, digital humanities, and knowledge organization for over a 
decade (EURIDICE; SHAMAN; PERICLES; DIXIT). They have built rich 
research resources, such as infrastructure and databases, and have 
developed collaborations with major Swedish, Nordic, and European 
universities; they also have contacts in the USA, Canada, Australia, and 
Africa. SSLIS has a dynamic and international work environment.

*Work description*

Knowledge organisation is a multifaceted area of research, that becomes 
more complex and rich as information infrastructure develops further and 
requires the creation of professional information services for the 
seamless connection of information resources. Researchers in the group 
Digital Resources and Services 
deal with a variety of knowledge organization issues and are eager to 
take this work further into areas supporting the future development of 
digital resources, linked data, and the semantic web. The doctoral 
position is part of a project requiring a broad multidisciplinary 
approach to research within knowledge organization. Doctoral candidates 
in this area will focus on the application of the following areas: 
information retrieval, metadata and resource description, controlled 
vocabularies and ontologies, linked data, and the semantic web.

A minimum of 80% of employment time within the doctoral position is 
devoted to research courses and dissertation work. The remaining time is 
used for teaching and administrative activities.

The doctoral student will be employed according to the Higher Education 
Ordinance, Chapter 5. The study time is equivalent to four years of 
full-time studies. The first employment period is usually one year and 
is renewed by one year at a time. If the position includes teaching and 
administrative work for the Faculty, the doctoral studies are extended 
to five years.

*Type of employment: *fixed-term (maximum of five years, annual renewal)*
Level of employment: full time - *A minimum of 80% of employment time 
within the doctoral position is devoted to research courses and 
dissertation work. The remaining time is used for teaching and 
administrative activities.
The doctoral student will be employed according to the Higher Education 
Ordinance, Chapter 5. The study time is equivalent to four years of 
full-time studies. The first employment period is usually one year and 
is renewed by one year at a time. If the position includes teaching and 
administrative work for the Faculty, the doctoral studies are extended 
to five years.
*Beginning date: *1 May, 2017 or according to the agreement
*Location: *Borås
*Reference number: *PA 2017/25

*Contacts *Further information/queries about the position should be 
directed to the Deputy Head of Department/Director of the PhD programme, 
sa Söderlind telephone +46 (0)33- 435 44 02, Professor Jan Nolin 
(jan.nolin at hb.se <mailto:jan.nolin at hb.se>) telephone +46 (0)33-435 43 36 
at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the 
University of Borås. The union representatives are Carina Theén Saco-S 
and Mikael Gunnarsson OFR. They can be reached through the telephone 
switchboard at the university, telephone +46 (0)33-435 40 00.

 1. Personal letter
 2. CV with references
 3. Master´s thesis or (Swedish Magister)
 4. A brief thesis plan (approximately 6000 – 8000 words)
 5. Application form (F1)
 6. Transcripts and Certificates

You are welcome to apply no later than *12 March, 2017!*

According to the National Archives requirements we are obliged to 
archive one set of applications excl. publications for two years after 
the final decision of employment.

Björn Hammarfelt, PhD
Forskare / Postdoctoral researcher
Bibliotekshögskolan / Swedish School of Library and Information Science
Högskolan i Borås / University of Borås
Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) 
Leiden University
E- mail:bjorn.hammarfelt at hb.se; b.m.s.hammarfelt at cwts.leidenuniv.nl
Work: 033-435 40 00
Cell: (0049)-01744697014

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