[Students-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] PhD opportunities in development informatics with Monash University and Oxfam.

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Apr 5 03:33:57 EDT 2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[ciresearchers] PhD opportunities in development informatics 
with Monash University and Oxfam.
Date: 	Wed, 05 Apr 2017 15:29:34 +1000
From: 	Larry Stillman <Larry.Stillman at monash.edu>
Reply-To: 	ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, Larry Stillman 
<Larry.Stillman at monash.edu>
To: 	ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, 
communityinformatics at vancouvercommunity.net

Dear Colleagues (and particularly potential PhD candidates).

Are you interested in a PhD working with Oxfam and Monash Australia on 
social-technical issues related to Bangladesh?  Four scholarships which 
incudes fees, stipend and allowances  for PhD research in Australia and 
Bangladesh are now available. _Applications close April 30 2017 and can 
only be made via the Expression of Interest form (see the link for 
information below)._

We are seeking qualified candidates to join a growing program.

PROTIC (Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, 
Information and Change) works in rural Bangladesh trialling innovative 
information and communications strategies though participatory action 
research. PROTIC has a focus on empowering women though enhancing 
community well-being and livelihoods in poor agricultural communities.

The PROTIC project is a partnership between Oxfam in Bangladesh and its 
community partner organisations, Oxfam Australia, and the Faculty of IT, 
Monash University, supported by the Empowerment Charitable Trust. PROTIC 
is part of the overall RECALL program at Oxfam in Bangladesh.

There are 4 scholarships available, 2 in social-technical issues, 2 in 
technical areas. For specific details including the application process, 
see monash.edu/it/protic <http://monash.edu/it/protic> - about the 
scholarships, monash.edu/it/protic-eoi <http://monash.edu/it/protic-eoi> 
- EoI to make an expression of interest (the first step in applying).

PROTIC 1: Information Ecology for Sustainable Development
PROTIC 2: Interface Design for Bangladeshi Farmers
PROTIC 3: Advanced Satellite Data Analytics for Agricultural 
Applications in Rural Bangladesh
PROTIC 4: Gender, Small and Medium Enterprises, Microbusiness and Mobile 

Please do not direct inquiries to Oxfam in Bangladesh. Queries should be 
directed to me or Tom Denison tom.denison at monash.edu

Please forward this announcement to relevant lists and possible candidates.

Larry Stillman, PhD
Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of IT
Lead Researcher, PROTIC Monash-Oxfam Project for Information Empowerment 
in Bangladesh
Monash University
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