[Students-l] Fwd: [ICTs-and-Society] Quintin Hogg Trust PhD scholarships in media and communication studies/art & design at the University of Westminster

Michel Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Nov 23 10:39:40 EST 2016

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Subject: 	[ICTs-and-Society] Quintin Hogg Trust PhD scholarships in 
media and communication studies/art & design at the University of 
Date: 	Wed, 23 Nov 2016 14:11:09 +0000
From: 	Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at uti.at>
Reply-To: 	christian.fuchs at uti.at
To: 	discussion-icts-and-society-net at icts-and-society.net

Quintin Hogg Trust PhD scholarships
University of Westminster
Application deadline: Feb 10, 2017, 5pm

Quintin Hogg Trust PhD scholarships in a) media and communication
research and b) art & design

The University of Westminster Graduate School is pleased to announce a
total of 22 new MPhil/PhD scholarships in support of high-quality,
innovative early career research.

Applications are now invited from eligible candidates for a number of
these scholarships within the Westminster School of Media, Arts and
Design, to commence in September 2017 on a full-time basis for three years.

The scholarships fund an annual tax-free stipend of £16,000 plus payment
of full tuition fees for Home/EU or Overseas candidates.

Combining world-leading research and innovation with practice-led
engagement and impact, the School provides a vibrant global research
environment in a purpose-built campus in Harrow, within easy reach of
central London.

Aiming to develop, in particular, research that is internationally
recognised and contributes to innovative practice and public engagement,
the scholarships will be available to those submitting proposals which
fall  within the remit of the following research institutes:

Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI):
One of the leading research groups in media and communication with a
wide and expanding range of research interests, focusing on research
areas such as digital/social media, global media, media policy,
political economy of the media, media history, creativity, media
industries and economy, cultural policy, critical theory, media philosophy.

Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM):
The UK’s leading centre for research in art and design, and a leading
provider of both practice-based and theoretical PhD research in
photography, film, digital media, ceramics, visual art, fashion,
art-science relationships and moving image work.

More information:


Application details:

Media & Communication Research:

Art & Design:

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