[Students-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] [Postdoc / PhD + MA ICT-linked positions] Funded MA on Environmental Communications through Digital and Social Media // Graduate Assistantship and Postdoc Position in Geospatial Science
Michel Menou
michel.menou at orange.fr
Sat Feb 6 12:18:45 EST 2016
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ciresearchers] [Postdoc / PhD + MA ICT-linked positions]
Funded MA on Environmental Communications through Digital and Social
Media // Graduate Assistantship and Postdoc Position in Geospatial Science
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2016 12:38:45 +0800
From: davidicus <bigbluearth at gmail.com>
Reply-To: ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, davidicus
<bigbluearth at gmail.com>
To: ciresearchers <ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net>
*Dear CI Colleagues,*
Below are postings for 3 distinct positions (1 in Canada and 2 in the
US). One is for an MA project on environmental problems and uses of
digital and social media; and two (the PhD and Postdoc) are for
geospatial / GIS specialist positions.
*Kind Regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Silver <jenjsilver at gmail.com <mailto:jenjsilver at gmail.com>>
To: caglist at lists.uvic.ca <mailto:caglist at lists.uvic.ca>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 10:02:46 -0500
Subject: [Caglist] Funded MA on Environmental Communications through
Digital and Social Media
Hello all,
I'm seeking applicants for a funded MA project about the communication
of environmental problems and solutions through digital and social
media. See the attached PDF for more info. Please forward freely.
More on graduate studies in Geography at University of Guelph can be
found here: http://www.uoguelph.ca/geography/graduate-programs-geography
Jennifer Silver
Jennifer Silver, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Guelph
Office: Hutt 344
Phone: 519-824-4120, ext. 52176 <tel:519-824-4120%2C%20ext.%2052176>
Web: http://www.uoguelph.ca/geography/faculty/silver-jennifer
Twitter: @JJSilvs <https://twitter.com/JJSilvs>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liang Lu <Liang at uamont.edu <mailto:Liang at uamont.edu>>
To: "caglist at lists.uvic.ca <mailto:caglist at lists.uvic.ca>"
<caglist at lists.uvic.ca <mailto:caglist at lists.uvic.ca>>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 03:34:44 +0000
Subject: [Caglist] Graduate Assistantship and Postdoc Position in
Geospatial Science
One graduate assistantship and one postdoc position in geospatial
science are available in the School of Forestry & Natural Resources at
the University of Arkansas
Post-Doctoral Position in Geospatial Science
Arkansas Forest ResourcesCenter
*University of Arkansas Division ofAgriculture*
*POSITION: *The Arkansas Forest Resources Center, University of Arkansas
System Division ofAgriculture, isseeking applications for
aPost-DoctoralAssociatepositionin geospatial
satisfactory performance and fundingavailability.
*LOCATION: *The Arkansas Forest Resources Center is headquartered at the
University of ArkansasatMonticello campus in partnership with the School
of Forestry & Natural Resources. The ArkansasForest Resources Center, a
University of Arkansas Center of Excellence, has the mission of
developingand delivering superior programs in research and extension
that enhance and ensure the sustainabilityof forest-based natural
resources. Research is administered through the Arkansas
AgriculturalExperiment Station.
*RESPONSIBILITIES: *The successful candidate will join
the geospatial lab, and may choose to contribute to at least one of the
following projects: 1) fine-resolution land cover change monitoring and
future landscape scenario simulation; 2) assessing the carbon emission
changes associated with forest disturbances based on optical / Lidar and
inventory data. The successful candidate will take responsibility for
conducting research,writing research proposal,analyzingdata,and guiding
under- and graduate students. The successful candidate is expected to
publish and presentworkin high profile journals andconferences.
*QUALIFICATIONS: *Applicants should have a Ph.D. in one or more relevant
fields, such as remote sensing, GIS, landscape ecology, agriculture /
environmental sciences. Successful candidates should have extensive
experience in large-scale remote sensing mapping, GIS and geospatial
analytics / modeling. Preference will be given to candidates with
experience in Google Earth Engine, large data processing and parallel
computing. The applicant must demonstrate excellent written and oral
communication skills and solid programming background. A record of
peer-reviewed publications and relevant conference presentations is
essential.Applicants should be able to work independently and also as a
member of a team. The position is available asearly as Feb2016.
*SALARY: *Commensurate with qualifications.
*APPLICATION: *Applicants should send a cover letter describing your
research experience and interests, a curriculum vita, contact
information for three references, and the abstract pages of selected
publications to Dr. Lu Liang (liang at uamont.edu
<mailto:liang at uamont.edu>, website: http://lianglu86.wix.com/liang) in
one single PDF file. Review of applicants will begin Feb 1, 2016
andcontinue until the position isfilled.
Graduate Assistantship in Geospatial Science
Arkansas Forest ResourcesCenter
*University of Arkansas Division ofAgriculture*
The School of Forestry & Natural Resources at the University of Arkansas
at Monticello is seeking applicants for a M.S. Assistantship available
beginning August 16, 2016. The assistantship is half time and carries an
annual stipend of $15,000 plus tuition.
*Project*: The graduate student will join the Geospatial Laboratory at
the School of Forestry & Natural Resources and can select a research
topic from one of two projects: 1) Long term monitoring and
spatial‐temporal simulation of forest insect disturbance dynamics, and
assessment of the associated carbon emission changes; or 2) Monitoring
landscape dynamics and conditions of natural resources in the
Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Students who are interested in these areas
are welcome to apply. Qualified backgrounds include geoscience, natural
resources, environmental sciences, forestry or related fields.
Experience in programming, geospatial data analysis, and remote sensing
data processing is preferred. Experience in computer
languages/environments such as R or Matlab is a plus.
*Requirements*: Applicants must have a 2.7 overall undergraduate GPA or
3.0 GPA in the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate courses and
satisfactory GRE scores. A B.S. degree in a natural resources‐related
field is also required. Applicants must have a valid U.S. driver’s
license or obtain the same within 60 days of starting employment.
Overnight travel is required as well as the ability to work outdoors in
all weather conditions.
Location and Facilities: The School of Forestry & Natural Resources is
located in Monticello, Arkansas in the southeastern portion of the
state. The Arkansas Forest Resources Center is also headquartered here,
and is administered by the University of Arkansas System Division of
Agriculture. The Arkansas Forest Resources Center is the research and
extension arm for forest‐based programs within the State. Additionally,
the USFS Arkansas Forestry Sciences Lab is located at the School. The
School and Center maintain several state‐of‐the‐art laboratories
(hydrology, soil, quantitative analysis, silviculture, wildlife ecology
& management) available for graduate research and education.
*Application & Additional Information*: Graduate program and application
information can be found at http://www.uamont.edu/sfnr. Applicants must
be admitted to the University of Arkansas at Monticello and apply to the
School of Forestry & Natural Resources before they can be considered for
an assistantship. Applicants must submit all GRE scores, official
transcripts, a statement of interests, and three letters of
recommendation. Please indicate the position number above on all
application materials and inquires. For additional information, please
Dr. Lu Liang
UAM School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Arkansas Forest Resources Center
University of Arkansas at Monticello
100 University Court, Box 3468
Monticello, AR 71656‐3468
*liang at uamont.edu <mailto:liang at uamont.edu>*
The position is available until a qualified applicant is selected.
D a v i d S a d o w a y BES, MRM, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
(65) 6592 1628
Visiting Fellow National Institute of Urban Affairs (India) (2013)
Visiting Fellow, Topology of Technology Faculty (2013)
Darmstadt Technical University (Germany)
Visiting Fellow, Academia Sinica (2009)
Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (Taiwan)
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