[Students-l] Announcing 2016 ASIS&T Student Chapter Membership Competition Awards

Alemneh, Daniel Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu
Wed Aug 3 18:09:39 EDT 2016

Dear ASIST student members and advisors,

The Jury for the 2016 ASIST Student Chapter Award worked very hard to review the submitted reports/nominations and provide their comments. Based on jury's comments, scores, and deliberations, we are happy to announce the following awards for this year.

*         Student Chapter of the Year Award:

ASIS&T is pleased to announce that Pratt ASIS&T at the Pratt Institute's School of Information (SI) is the 2016 winner of the ASIS&T Student Chapter of the Year Award. In selecting Pratt ASIS&T for the award, the jury considered the chapter's membership, activities, communications, financial and administrative management, and contributions to ASIS&T and the broader IS community.  Not content to rest after winning the 2015 Student Membership Award, Pratt ASIS&T began the 2015-2016 year with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Armed with data from their fall membership survey, the officers worked hard to attract new members, plan programs and activities, and expand collaborations with other organizations. Among many other events and activities, Pratt presented its chapter by handing out cord wraps imprinted with the ASIS&T logo to new students at the Pratt SI orientation, collaborating with a SIG (Special Interest Group) to produce a text mining webinar for the ASIS&T membership, and hosting a series of faculty Speakeasy events. Pratt ASIS&T combined learning, networking, career development, and fun while strengthening and engaging their membership.
Please join us in congratulating Pratt ASIS&T on their many accomplishments!

*         Chapter Membership Growth Awards:
The ASIS&T Student Chapter Membership Competition fosters student engagement in ASIS&T by encouraging student chapters to recruit more members. The award is based on student chapter membership growth over the last year. We are pleased to announce the 2016 Membership Competition winners:

1.       University of North Texas ASIS&T Student Chapter<https://www.asist.org/groups/university-of-north-texas/> -  400% Growth - Three Annual Meeting Registrations

2.       McGill Student Chapter<https://www.facebook.com/ASISTMcGillStudentChapter/> - 76% Growth - Two Annual Meeting Registrations

3.       European Student Chapter<https://www.asist.org/groups/european-student-chapter/> - 39% Growth - One Annual Meeting Registration

Please join us in congratulating these Student Chapters for their innovative use of programs, social activities, social media, and hard work to increase their membership this year!

Also,  if your student chapter did not submit a report in July, the next deadline is Oct. 30.

We hope to see most of you at the ASIST conference<https://www.asist.org/events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2016/> in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Student Chapter Representative (Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu<mailto:Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu>)
Karen Miller, Student Chapter Alternative Representative (millerk8 at email.sc.edu<mailto:millerk8 at email.sc.edu>)

Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Ph.D.
Digital Curation Coordinator, UNT Digital Libraries
Adjunct Professor, College of Information
University of North Texas
Willis Library # 322, Denton, TX 76203
Email:   Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu<mailto:Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu>
Phone: 940-891-6703

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