[Students-l] ASIST Students and Advisors - deadlines

Alemneh, Daniel Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu
Wed Jun 3 13:35:33 EDT 2015

Dear ASIST students and chapter advisors,

Please note that the deadline for Student chapter annual report, which also acts as a self-nomination for the Chapter of the Year award, is fast approaching - July 1st. As always, please submit the report through http://www.softconf.com/asist2/StudChapYear/cgi-bin/scmd.cgi?scmd=basicSubmit

As you know, we introduced a new competition that encourages our student chapters to recruit more members. The award includes up to three free students registrations for the Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. Please note that student chapter annual activities report submitted electronically by the July 1st early deadline (with or without nomination for Student Chapter-of-the-Year award) will also be used for the Student Chapter Membership Competition Award. See the forwarded message below.

Also, attached is the annual report sample from last year's winner - Simmons Student Chapter of ASIS&T.


Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas
Karen Miller, University of South Carolina.

From: Alemneh, Daniel
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 2:51 PM
To: students-l at mail.asis.org
Cc: millerk8 at email.sc.edu
Subject: ASIST Students and Advisors - Announcement

Dear all,

You are receiving this email because you are either an ASIST Student Chapter member or a Student Chapter advisor.

First of all, let us briefly introduce ourselves -  Daniel Gelaw Alemneh  (Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu<mailto:Daniel.Alemneh at unt.edu>) from University of North Texas and Karen Miller ( millerk8 at email.sc.edu<mailto:millerk8 at email.sc.edu>) from University of South Carolina. We are the Student Chapter Representatives to the ASIST board. What this means is that we:

*         Oversee the operations of various ASIST Student Chapters around the world;

*         Help and guide the chapters with membership management and other resources they may need; and

*         Represent student chapters interests and concerns to the ASIST board.

Well, student chapters are usually run and managed locally and you wouldn't see or need us in your regular activities. There are a few things, however, that you may want to keep in mind as you run these activities and reach out to us as needed:

-       As you all already know, we have an email list that you can join by going to http://mail.asis.org/mailman/listinfo/students-l and signing up. Once joined, you can send a message by emailing to students-l at asis.org<mailto:students-l at asis.org>. Typical messages on this email list are about conference announcements, job postings, and other opportunities for students.

-       Make sure your information (advisor name, email, website, etc.) is accurate on the ASIST Student Chapter page at http://www.asis.org/Chapters/chapters-student.html.

o   We understand that the new ASIST site is still in the transition process, but if you find any inaccuracies, please email us immediately.
o   If you hold an election, please inform us about the results.

-       Every year, July 1st is a standing deadline for the chapters to send their annual reports. This report is typically compiled by the advisor as well as the officers of the student chapter. The report also serves as the self-nomination for the Student Chapter of the Year award (announced at that year's ASIST annual meeting).
o   Information about this award can be found here: http://asis.org/awards/studentchapteroftheyear.html

-       In addition, we introduced a new competition that encourages our student chapters to recruit more members. The award is based on student chapter membership growth over the last year. We would like to thank the ASIS&T Board for approving our experimental award and it will continue as an annual competition. Here are the details:
o   Every ASIST student chapter that started before June 2014 is qualified.
o   If you submit the Student Chapter Annual Activities Report by July 1st (with or without nomination for Student Chapter-of-the-Year award), then no need for any other submission. We will use your annual chapter report (due July 1st) to extract the membership information.
o   The criteria will be based on % increase (only positive growth) on membership, and not the absolute values. This way each chapter can have a fair chance irrespective of their size or geo-location.
o   The % will be calculated considering the chapter's membership count at the beginning of the year (as of July 1, 2014) and at the end of the year (as of June 30, 2015).
o   In addition to the recognition certificates, the award entitles them to (one to three) students registrations to the ASIST Annual Meeting (AM) to be held in St. Louis, Missouri http://www.asis.org/asist2015/am15cfp.html :
?  First prize: three AM registrations
?  Second prize: two AM registrations
?  Third prize: one AM registration

-       If you do not submit the annual report as a part of self-nomination on July 1st, you need to submit your annual report by October 30th.

-       Please note that September 30th is the deadline for requesting funds from ASIST for student chapter. More information on this will come in due course.

-       At the ASIST annual meeting, the student chapter advisors are invited to meet with us and others from ASIST.

o   More details will follow as we get close to this year's ASIST conference. But please note that advisers are highly encouraged to attend the Chapter Assembly meeting at the Annual Meeting.

For your reference, here's the link for the Student Chapter Officers' Manual: http://www.asis.org/Chapters/student_chapter_manual.html


Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, University of North Texas
Karen Miller, University of South Carolina.

Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Ph.D.
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #305190
Denton, TX 76203-5017
P.: (940) 891-6703  F.: (940) 369-8882

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