[Students-l] Fwd: [ciresearchers] Final Call for Papers - Communities&Technologies 2015, Limerick, Ireland - Doctoral consortium
Michel Menou
michel.menou at orange.fr
Thu Jan 29 04:56:35 EST 2015
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ciresearchers] Final Call for Papers -
Communities&Technologies 2015, Limerick, Ireland
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 18:37:07 +0100
From: Nemanja Memarovic <nemanja.memarovic at usi.ch>
Reply-To: ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net, Nemanja Memarovic
<nemanja.memarovic at usi.ch>
To: ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Following a large number of requests received, the Organising Committee
has decided to extend the submission deadlines for papers, workshops and
*Important Dates(UPDATED!)*
* 15 Feb 2015 Full Papers and Workshop Proposals due
* 1 Mar 2015 Notification of acceptance (for Workshop Proposals)
* 1 Apr 2015 Notification of acceptance (for Full Papers)
* 15 Apr 2015 Tutorial Proposals due
* 1 May 2015 Camera Ready Papers
* 1 May 2015 Workshop Papers, Work-in-Progress Papers, Doctoral
Consortium Submissions and Student Volunteers Applications due
* 15 Apr 2015 Notification of acceptance (for Tutorial Proposals)
* 1 June 2015 – Early bird registration ends
* 27-28 Jun 2015 Workshops, Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium
* 29-30 Jun 2015 Conference
*Conference Themes*
C&T focuses on the notion of communities as social entities comprised of
people who share something in common; this common element may be
geography, needs, interests, practices, organizations, or other bases
for social connection. Communities are considered to be a basic unit of
social experience. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can
support community formation and development by facilitating
communication and coordination among members, as well as enable and
empower communities to deal with challenges and threats.
Topics appropriate for submission to this conference are manifold.
Examples of some of the vibrant areas of communities and technology
research include, but are not limited to:
* /Communities, technologies and government
(learning/education, health, cultural heritage, crises and natural
* /Civic Activism, Community Engagement, Participatory Publics/
* /Communities and innovation/
* /Crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, collective intelligence/
* /Maker communities (makerspaces, Fablabs, crafters) and DIY/
* /Online and offline communities/
* /Urban and rural communities; urban technologies; urban informatics;
urban interaction design/
* /Smart communities in the context of smart cities/
* /Sustainable communities/
* /Communities, social media and social capital/
* /Community-centred Design, Infrastructuring and Evaluation
* /Ethnographic and case studies of communities/
* /Communities, ICTs and Economic and Social Development./
*Doctoral Consortium*
The Doctoral Consortium is scheduled prior to the main conference
programme, on Sunday 28 June 2015. The Doctoral Consortium (DC) offers
research students a special forum where they can present, discuss and
progress their research plans with peers and established senior researchers.
Research students wishing to attend the doctoral consortium should
submit up to 4 pages, using the ACM SIGCHI two column layout
<http://www.sigchi.org/chipubform>, addressing the following:
Introduction setting up your research area and specific research
question(s)/goals(s) (including key related work); Overall research
approach, methodology, and expected contributions; Work in progress
(including findings to date and next steps); Questions and issues for
discussion, and what you hope to gain from attending the DC; short bio.
Please send proposals to the Doctoral Consortium Chairs:
dc at comtech.community <mailto:dc at comtech.community>
*Student Volunteers*
C&T actively encourages students to volunteer at the conference. Being a
student volunteer is a great way to support the research community, meet
other students in the field, and attend an international ACM conference.
You will help the conference organisers with the running of the
conference and support the setting-up of presentations and workshops.
You will see the latest in C&T research and development, and have fun
while learning about running the conference. In return, you will get
free registration. To apply, email us your contact details (email,
phone, university), an abstract of your research project, a CV, and the
reasons why you would like to be a student volunteer.
Please send applications to the Student Volunteers Chair:
volunteers at comtech.communit <mailto:volunteers at comtech.community>
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