[Students-l] [Fwd: Doctoral Research Fellowship "NewMedia in Asia and/or the Middle East", University of Oslo]

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Thu Nov 26 05:53:43 EST 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Albrecht Hofheinz [mailto:albrecht.hofheinz at ikos.uio.no]
> Sent: 22. november 2009 19:33
> Subject: URGENT: Doctoral Research Fellowship "New Media in Asia and/ 
> or the Middle East", University of Oslo

> Dear colleague,
> If you know of any suitable candidate for the doctoral fellowship
> below I would be grateful if you could share this with them. Deadline
> is 15 Dec. 2010; due to an illness, I have unfortunately not been able
> to circulate this earlier. Interested candidates may contact me in
> advance if they wish, preferably by phone or SMS to +47-47285768.
> Best regards,
> Albrecht Hofheinz
> http://www.admin.uio.no/opa/ledige-stillinger/2009/vitenskapelige/doctor
> alresearchfellowshipIKOS-2009-16827.html
> Doctoral Research Fellowship (the New Media in Asia and/or the Middle
> East)
> the new media in Asia and/or the Middle East
> is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental
> Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo.
> The successful candidate is expected to study the use of new media and
> communication technologies (including the Internet, satellite TV, and
> mobile phones) in Asia and/or the Middle East and their impact in the
> social, political, religious and/or cultural domains. The fellowship
> is open to projects from a wide range of disciplinary and
> methodological approaches to the study of new media. Comparative and/
> or multidisciplinary projects will be considered positively. Projects
> grounded in fieldwork in the region will be considered favourably. It
> is expected that the candidate analyzes primarily data in one or
> several of the region's languages. Candidates must therefore
> demonstrate advanced active skills in at least one relevant Asian and/
> or Middle Eastern language.
> The position is available for a period of three years.
> The successful candidate is expected to affiliate with the existing
> research milieu or network and to contribute to the further
> development of this. For information about the department we refer to
> http://www.hf.uio.no/ikos/english/
> .
> If the applicant has worked as a doctoral research fellow previously
> to being hired at the Faculty of Humanities, that period of time will
> be deducted from the allotted 3 year period.
> Candidates who are accepted must participate in the Faculty of
> Humanities' researcher education programme (cf. regulations and
> supplementary provisions for the faculty's researcher education) and
> must also engage in the designated research activities on a 100
> percent basis. The designated aim of the project is to complete a
> doctoral dissertation to be defended at a public disputation for the
> Ph.D.-degree.
> Requirements:
> *         A 5 year Master degree, or equivalent, in an area relevant
> to the topic of the doctoral dissertation.
> In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the
> quality of the project description and on the assumed academic and
> personal ability on the part of the candidates to complete the
> dissertation within the given time frame. The short-listed candidates
> may be called for an interview at the University of Oslo.
> Guidelines for appointments to research fellowships at the Faculty of
> Humanities may be obtained at
> http://www.hf.uio.no/english/research/doctor/index.html
> .
> The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more women in academic
> positions.
> Women are encouraged to apply.
> The University of Oslo also has a goal of recruiting more immigrants
> to Norway in academic positions. Immigrants are encouraged to apply.
> The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to
> secure rights to research results a.o.
> For further information, contact:
> Research director IKOS: Rune Svarverud, tel: + 47 22 85 69 82, e-mail:
> rune.svarverud at ikos.uio.no
> .
> Research administration IKOS: Cecilie Lilleheil, tel: + 47 22 84 40
> 47, e-mail: c.w.lilleheil at ikos.uio.no.
> Closing date: December 15, 2009
> Ref.no: 2009/16827
> Government wage scale: 45-52 (depending on level of expertise, NOK 355
> 600 - NOK 401 500 per annum)
> Submissions:
> Applicants must email the following material in doc-, rtf- or pdf-
> format to stillinger at hf.uio.no:
> - Letter of application describing qualifications
> - A list of published and unpublished works
> - Curriculum vitae with grades
> - Project description, including a detailed progress plan for the
> project (maximum 5 pages, see Guidelines for project
> descriptions:http://www.hf.uio.no/english/research/doctor/projectdescrip
> tion.html)
> Educational certificates, master theses and the like are not to be
> submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to submit
> such information or works later.
> Albrecht Hofheinz, dr.philos.
> Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Culture
> Dept. of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
> University of Oslo
> tel. +47-2285 6854, mob. +47-47285768

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