[Students-l] Fwd.: [Air-L] funded Ph.D. position Eindhoven University of Technology

M.J. Menou michel.menou at orange.fr
Wed Sep 17 09:04:48 EDT 2008

> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 11:54:30 +0200
> From: "Uwe Matzat" <u.matzat at tm.tue.nl>
> Subject: [Air-L] funded Ph.D. position
> To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
> Dear colleagues,
> I would be thankful for distributing this information to Master students interested in the 
> field of internet research. I'm available for incoming questions.
> Best regards,
> Uwe Matzat
> ---
> The Eindhoven University of Technology (the Netherlands) has the following vacancy
> PhD student on the project "Surfing the information waves: Finding,
> revealing, and evaluating information online"
> at the School of Innovation Sciences.
> Job description
> The Ph.D. student is expected to do research leading to a Ph.D. thesis in
> the project "Surfing the information waves: Finding, revealing, and
> evaluating information online". At the core of this project lies the
> question how people deal with the reliability of information on the
> Internet, to what extent the formal and informal mechanisms that
> facilitate reliable exchange of information offline have online
> equivalents, and to what extent new online mechanisms and tools are and
> can be developed to facilitate reliable information exchange. 
> Typical questions of interest are: How do people discern useful and
> reliable information from useless and unreliable information in online
> settings? How can users be motivated to provide reliable information and
> how can the provision of unreliable information be minimized? To what
> extent do the answers to these questions depend on the kind of online
> setting? For the project we anticipate doing research in several areas of
> application, such as medical information sites and groups, social
> networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Xing, etc), and
> general economic and consumer sites, such as eBay, Amazon. 
> Requirements
> The candidate should have a Masters degree (or equivalent) in the social
> sciences (sociology, psychology, political or communication science),
> excellent knowledge and skills in quantitative methods of data analysis,
> and familiarity with new forms of online communication. Most of all, we
> are looking for someone with a natural curiosity with respect to online
> interaction of any kind. Knowledge about theories pertaining to the topic
> in (social) psychology or sociology would be an additional asset. The
> candidate should be proficient in English (speaking and writing).
> Conditions of employment
> We offer a (full-time) Ph.D. position for 4 years. Gross salaries are in
> the range of ?28K gross per annum in the first year and ?35K during the
> fourth year and include attractive benefits (e.g. technical
> infrastructure, child care, sports facilities). A small teaching load can
> be part of the job.
> More information can be found at:
> http://www.tue-tm.org/snijders/PhD/
> Application
> Send your application or requests for further information by email to
> Prof. dr. C. Snijders (c.c.p.snijders 'at' tue.nl). The application should
> consist of a motivation for your application, and extended curriculum
> vitae, a description of your obtained scientific degree, and a list of
> courses and the grades you obtained for those courses.
> --
> =======================================
> Uwe Matzat
> Sociology Section
> Department of Technology Management
> Eindhoven University of Technology
> P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
> The Netherlands
> ---------------
> phone: +31 40 247-8392
> email: u.matzat at tm.tue.nl
> http://www.tue-tm-soc.nl/~matzat/
> =======================================

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