[Studentchapadv] FW: [DIGLIB] CFP DoctConsortium JCDL2005
Candy Schwartz
candy.schwartz at simmons.edu
Thu Mar 10 08:19:44 EST 2005
Hi Advisors -
Apologies if you saw this already in another listserv list.
Until we can set up a blog or whatever for student members, I will
forward info that might be of value to your students, and ask that you
pass it on. Here is some news for PhD students.
-----Original Message-----
From: Prof. Dr. Rudi Schmiede [mailto:schmiede at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de]
Sent: March 9, 2005 4:47 PM
To: diglib at infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [DIGLIB] CFP DoctConsortium JCDL2005
Excuse cross postings!
1st Doctoral Consortium of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
Call for Participation
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado (USA)
7 June 2005
What is the Doctoral Consortium?
The Doctoral Consortium is a workshop for Ph.D. students from all over
the world who are in the course of their dissertation work. (Ph.D.
students with dissertations finished or nearly completed should,
however, apply for a paper to the regular conference program.) The goal
of the Doctoral Consortium is to help students with their thesis by
providing feedback to them on their research as well as to give general
advice on using the research environment in a constructive and
international atmosphere. Students will present and discuss their thesis
in the context of a well-known and established international conference
outside of their usual university atmosphere. The workshop will be a
full day and will be held at the University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research (UCAR), the home institution of the DLESE Program Center and
the NSDL Central Office, followed by a drive to Denver to join the JCDL
conference and a group dinner. A very limited number of students will
have the oppo! rtunity to participate. Students will be expected to
pay their expenses and should plan to attend JCDL 2005, registered as
students (see http://www.jcdl2005.org/).
Five prominent professors and one experienced practitioner in the field
of digital library research in organizations from different countries
and continents will conduct the workshop. They will review all the
submissions and comment on the content of the thesis as well as on the
presentation. If submissions are received outside the scope of expertise
of these leaders, additional faculty will be selected to participate in
leading the workshop. Students will have 20 minutes to present their
research, focusing on the main theme of their thesis, what they have
achieved so far and how they plan to continue their work. Another 20
minutes is reserved for discussion and feedback from both the professors
and other participants. There will also be time reserved for one-on-one
mentoring of students to provide more in-depth feedback. In the course
of the workshop students will also get advice on more general questions,
e.g. the differences of Ph.D. studies in different countries.
Call for Papers and Topics
Students interested in participating in the Doctoral Consortium should
submit an extended abstract (see details below) describing their Digital
Library research. Submissions relating to any aspect of Digital Library
research, development, and evaluation are welcomed, including: technical
advances, usage and impact studies, policy analyses, social and
institutional implications, theoretical contributions, interaction and
design advances, and innovative applications in the sciences,
humanities, and education.
To apply for participation at the Doctoral Consortium, please provide an
extended abstract of your doctoral work to
http://www.softconf.com/start/JCDL2005/submit.html. Choose Doctoral
Consortium as the Submission Type. The extended abstract is restricted
to 4000 words (approx. 8 pages). Submissions should be submitted
electronically in pdf-format. The abstracts should
. clearly formulate the research question,
. identify the significant problems in the field of research,
. summarize the current knowledge of the problem domain, as well
as the state of the art for solutions,
. clearly present any preliminary research plans and ideas, and
the results achieved so far,
. sketch the research methodology that is to be applied,
. describe the expected contributions of the applicant to the
research area, and
. (for technical research) describes how the research is
innovative, novel or extends existing approaches to a problem.
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness,
and clarity. Between 10 and 15 Ph.D. students will be selected to
participate in this inaugural workshop.
Important Dates
. Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 25th, 2005
. Notification of acceptance: April
11th, 2005
. Camera-ready papers due: May 8st,
. Doctoral Consortium: June
7th, 2005
. JCDL 2005: June
7-11th, 2005
Contact Address
Requests for additional information should be e-mailed to
doctconsort at jcdl2005.org
Accompanying Professors
. Geneva Henry (accompanying practitioner)
Rice University, Houston, USA
Rice Digital Library Initiative
ghenry at rice.edu
. Ray R. Larson
University of California Berkeley, USA
School of Information Management and Systems ray at sims.berkeley.edu
. Ee Peng Lim
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
School of Computer Engineering
aseplim at ntu.edu.sg
. Rudi Schmiede
Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Department of Sociology
schmiede at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de
. Ingeborg Solvberg
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Department of
Computer and Information Science Ingeborg.Solvberg at idi.ntnu.no
. Ian H. Witten
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Department of Computer Science
ihw at cs.waikato.ac.nz
Workshop Organizers
. Geneva Henry
Rice University, Houston/TX, USA
Fondren Library MS44
6100 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77005
Tel. +1 713 348 2480
Email: ghenry at rice.edu
. Rudi Schmiede
Darmstadt University of Technology
Department of Sociology
D-64283 Darmstadt
Tel. +49 6151 16 2809
Fax +49 6151 16 6042
Email: schmiede at ifs.tu-darmstadt.de
Prof. Dr. Rudi Schmiede
Inst. f. Soziologie / Dpt. of Sociology
Techn. Univ. Darmstadt / Darmstadt University of Technology
Residenzschloss D-64283 Darmstadt
Tel. +49 6151 16-2809 Fax +49 6151 16-6042
At present / Gegenwaertig:
Univ. of California Irvine
Tel. +1 949 824 3742, Cellular: +1 949 637 1553
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