[Sigtis-l] New ASIS&T Blog and upcoming web site redesign
Adam Worrall
apw06 at my.fsu.edu
Fri Jul 25 11:13:58 EDT 2014
(This announcement can also be read on our Web site at https://asistsigsi.wordpress.com/2014/07/25/new-asist-blog-and-upcoming-web-site-redesign/)
ASIS&T HQ has launched an official ASIS&T Blog, led by new ASIS&T Social Media Manager Diane Rasmussen Pennington, and is seeking contributions! The blog is available at http://www.asis.org/SocialMedia/. From the launching post, http://www.asis.org/SocialMedia/?p=46:
> This blog is meant to be a forum for any issues related to information science. I’d love to see lively discussions and shared ideas about our field in this virtual space. Anyone can post. Do you have a research idea you’d like to share? Best practice tips in your specialty? Want to comment on a new JASIST article? Anything else? If you would like to post, email me at diane at asis.org, and I’ll be happy to create an author account for you. I will maintain editorial oversight as the Social Media Manager, but I will not censor anyone or control topics; I will just check for appropriateness (no sales, etc.) and for correct grammar and formatting.
We love to see SIG SI members contributing in all potential venues — the new blog, the ASIS&T Bulletin, journals, and conferences — so we strongly encourage you to participate and contribute if you can!
The current blog post also discusses the upcoming ASIS&T web site redesign (see http://www.asis.org/SocialMedia/?p=92), which all members should be at least aware of going forward. I (Adam, your SIG SI Communications Officer) was there in Maryland on Wednesday for the design workshop led by Seven Heads Design (http://www.sevenheads.com/). Speaking for myself, I think it went really well; the concerns of SIGs, chapters, and other key stakeholders are being heard, and we’ll have a much-improved ASIS&T site going forward, I think! Be sure to keep in touch about the redesign process by following the progress on the ASIS&T Blog. Again, the URL for the new blog is:
Adam Worrall
Communications Officer, ASIS&T SIG SI
Doctoral Candidate, Florida State University
School of Information - Florida’s iSchool
apw06 at my.fsu.edu adam at adamworrall.org
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