[Sigtis-l] ASIST '13> SIG-SI Symposium Final Schedule
Howard Rosenbaum
hrosenba at indiana.edu
Wed Oct 16 23:19:16 EDT 2013
Please join us in Montreal!
The 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries
Sponsored by SIG-SI, the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics and SIG-HFIS
Saturday, November 2, 2013, 8:00-12:30 PM
Organizers: Howard Rosenbaum & Pnina Fichman
(Indiana University)
8:00-8:10 Introduction Pnina Fichman - The (Information) Boundaries of Social Informatics
8:10-9:00 Keynote address: Dr. William Jones "Towards Places of Our Own for Digital Information: Constructing Roads and Walls on the Web" [[See below for abstract and information about Dr. Jones]]
(University of Washington)
9:00-9:10 Break and Poster Session
9:10-10:30 Papers
9:10-9:30 Eric Meyer, Ralph Schroeder and Linnet Taylor - The boundaries of Big Data
(Oxford Internet Institute)
9:30-9:50 Colin Rhinesmith - From Paper to the Cloud: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries in Human Services
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
9:50-10:10 Adam Worrall
(Florida State University)
“Back Onto The Tracks”: Convergent Community Boundaries in LibraryThing and Goodreads
10:10-10:30 Mohhamad Jarrahi - Social informatics and directions for future research on implication of ICTs in organizations
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
10:30-10:50 Break and Poster Session
10:50-11:50 Papers
10:50-11:10 Madelyn Sanfillipo - Government Information Access by Native Spanish Speakers: Social and Technical Barriers
(Indiana University)
11:10-11:30 Matrix, Sydneyeve - Beyond Maps, News and Weather: Everyday Geomobile Media Use and the Changing Perceptions of Location Based Services
(Queen’s University)
11:30-11:50 Natalia Grincheva - A Failure of Digital Diplomacy: Social, Cultural, and Information Boundaries in Online Cross-cultural Communication
(Concordia University)
11:50-12:00 Networking break
12:00-12:30 Best paper awards and presentations with discussant
2012 Social Informatics Paper ($1,000): “ Toward an Integrated Model of Group Development: Disruption of Routines by Technology-Induced Change” by Monica Garfield and Alan Dennis
2012 Best Social Informatics Student Paper ($500): “Knock knock, Whose’s there: The imagined audience” by Eden Litt
Discussant: Noriko Hara, Indiana University
Shuheng Wu and Besiki Stvilia - Work Organization of a Sociotechnical System: The Case of Gene Ontology
(Florida State University)
Ingrid Erikson - The Borders and Boundaries of Coworking
(Rutgers University)
Members $95 - early registration ($110 after early registration ends)
Non-members $105 - early registration ($120 after early registration ends)
For more about the workshop, see
To register for the workshop (and the conference), see
For more about RKCSI, see
About the keynote address "Towards Places of Our Own for Digital Information: Constructing Roads and Walls on the Web":
Information can be personal in any of several senses: it might be "owned" by us, about us, directed towards us, shared by us with others, experienced by us or simply (potentially) relevant to us. As personal information moves onto the Web, old boundaries are removed even as new boundaries (and barriers) emerge. We can access information from anywhere at any time so that traditional boundaries between activities @home, @school and @work are blurred. Even within an area, activities blur as when people check email during a company meeting. Moreover, information about us that was once effectively hidden from the prying eyes of others, either because access was too difficult or because access attempts would reveal the identity of the "snooping" party, is now often easily "Googled" on the Web.
On the other hand, new boundaries and barriers are emerging in the form of, for example, application "sandboxes." These "silos" provide a measure of security because information is meant to be accessed only via the owning application. However, this occurs at the cost of fragmenting information, already a serious problem of personal information management (PIM) on the desktop, that becomes much worse as this information moves onto the Web and into a myriad of devices.
This talk will provide practical guidelines and considerations for the construction the useful boundaries ("walls") we need for our safety and sanity. Conversely, the talk will consider ways we might traverse (through "road" construction) other boundaries in order to realize a more effective cross-application, cross-device use of our information.
About the speaker:
Dr. William Jones is a Research Associate Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington where he works on the challenges of "Keeping Found Things Found" (kftf.ischool.washington.edu). He has published in the areas of PIM, HCI, information retrieval and human cognition. He wrote the book "Keeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management" and, more recently, "The Future of Personal Information, Part 1: Our Information, Always & Forever" and "Part 2: Transforming Technologies to Manage Our Information." "Part 3: Building a Better World With Our Information" is scheduled for publication in late spring of 2014. He holds several patents relating to search and PIM from his work as a program manager at Microsoft in Office and then in MSN Search. Dr. Jones received his doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon University for research into human memory
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